Chapter Four

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Lucy's revelation

Lucy's P.O.V

What did I do to natsu to make him hate me like this? That's the question that I asked myself all day. Until the day was over. Then I met natsu at the end of the day. I'm still scared of him. But why did I wanna get closer to him? Natsu hated me with a burning passion. Half of me wants to ask him why. But the other half, the half that's afraid of him, is reluctant to say anything about it. It's been about a week since I started to tutor him, the more I realized my feelings. We walk to his house and his parents aren't there yet. I didn't know why he hated me. But one things for sure, I fell for him. He was pretty cute. And I'll tell him today. We finished the lesson. " How about we play rock paper scissors, we haven't done that in a while.  " I suggest. " Okay...? Best 2 out of 3" He says, I could tell he was confused by me request. We learned Chinese when we were younger. I wonder if he remembers.

Rock paper scissors shoot!

L: paper
N: scissors

Rock paper scissors shoot!

L: scissors
N: rock

Rock paper scissors shoot!

L: rock
N: paper

" Looks like I win, so what do I get? " Natsu asked. He probably doesn't remember. He didn't notice my choices. Oh well, at least I told him, vaguely anyways. 520,that's all I need to say. What does he like, hmmm. Oh that's right! " How about pizza? " I asked. " Alright! " He says. Then his parents came inside. " Well, how is our new couple doing? " His mom asked. " We're okay " He said to his mom " Anyways we gotta go " He said. " Why? " His father asked us. " I owe him a pizza " I said. " Oh okay " His dad says. " Have fun on your date! " Wendy says. My cheeks heated up.
" Wendy! " He complains with a long slur. He grabbed my hand and we went to his car. Pizza Hut isn't close so he had to drive. And his car just got out of the shop. It was a red Ferrari. We went to pizza Hut and he got a large Pepperoni. He offered me some which caught me off guard. But I turned it down. " Sorry, pizza will make me fat " I said. He shrugged it off. When we were friends he was often confused by why I would do things, boys, they'll never understand being a woman. Anyway we finish up and he drives me home. I went into my house. " Hey sis " Sting greeted me. " Hey sting " I said with a genuine smile. " Lucy... " My smile fades away as I turn to my father " Jude... " I say. Then I walked upstairs. I was still mad at him. How could he make me marry someone who hates me?! He doesn't understand how much this affects my life! I smash my face into my pillow. I love him but he doesn't love me back! How sad could that be. Well I'll just have to deal with it. I'll tell the girls tomorrow.

Tomorrow at school

" Listen up girls, I have tea to spill " Lucy says to her friends. " Well spill it then " Levy compels. " Okay, you know how natsu hates me with a passion right? " She says. " Yeah " The girls says. " Well I kinda maybe sorta feel different. " Lucy says getting quieter every word. " OMG! " Mira says. They fangirl squeal. Lucy blushed. " But you can't tell anyone okay! " Lucy says.
" Okay but I'll still call you nalu " Mira says. " That's fine. Now let's get to class. Now the girls have an awesome time in school. Until gym when every girl is hurt, well except Lucy Also remember that Lucy skipped lunch

Gomenasai for the short chapter.

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