Chapter 4

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Kiana woke up with multiple messages from Brandon, most of which asking her to meet him, and saying we need to talk. She chose to ignore them as she started to get ready for school.

"Hey." Brandon yelled from behind her as she finally made her way through the school doors.

  "Hey." Kiana said quietly as she walked to her locker, Brandon following behind her.

"So, I've been thinking," He started.

"That can't be good." She cut him off, letting out a small laugh as she grabbed her books for next period.

"I'm serious, I need to talk to you." Brandon's tone is serious as he leaned against the locker.

"Okay, then talk." She closed her locker, and turned to look at him.

"I think we should try the relationship thing," He paused. "-I know it sounds dumb but I've been thinking about it, and I think I want to try to be serious." Brandon stuttered.

"Don't hurt yourself." Kiana giggled. "I'll try if you really want to." She smiled, pecking him on the cheek before walking to class.

  Kiana zoned out through most her classes and before she knew it, it's time for lunch. She made her way through the crowd, trying to get outside so she can meet her friends.

  "Hey guys." Kiana said, finally sitting down at her table.

  "Hey." Danielle and Luna reply in unison, Nova just sits there picking at her food.

"Brandon told me he wants to be serious." A big smile spread across Kianas face as the words leave her mouth.

Nova looked up at her. This is a joke right? I mean he was kissing Nova two days ago and now he's talking about being serious with Kiana? What kind of game is he playing?

"That's great, Kiana." Luna replied, a small smile on her face.

  "Yes it is, I'm happy for you." Danielle's voice is soft, but genuine.

They all look at Nova, whom is just sitting there staring. Danielle and Luna give each looks, knowing how hurt Nova was inside.

  "Yeah," She finally spoke up, breaking from her thoughts. "-That's great Kiana." She smiled slightly. "I'm glad you're happy."

  "Me too." Kiana smiled even bigger, looking down at her food.

  Lunch ends with no unnecessary drama, and Kiana and the girls make their way back to the lockers.

  "I haven't seen Braeden today." Danielle told Luna as she opened her locker.

  "I don't know where he is, it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything." The words stung as they rolled off Luna's tongue, but she's gotten used to the pain that comes along with Braeden.

  "I know, I was just making sure you are okay?" Danielle shoot Luna a sympathetic smile.

  "I'm fine." Luna smiled slightly, closing her locker.

  "We are all here for you Luna." Nova said from next to Kiana.

  "Always." Kiana added.

"I know." Luna said softly as all the girls smile, and start walking off to their next class.

  Once Luna arrived in fifth period, she see's a familiar face, a face she definitely didn't want to see. It's Sahar.

"Haven't seen you in a while." Sahar smirked as she walked towards Luna.

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