Chapter 8

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"You fucking liar." Kiana scoffs, shaking her head.

"What?" Nova looks at Brandon, a confused look on her face.

"You lied about kissing Brandon, he told me."

"Oh," Nova pauses, Brandon gives her a pleading look, as if he was actually telling her to lie for him.

"Yeah oh Nova," she scoffs. "I can't believe you."

Nova just stands there contemplating. Brandon's asking her to lie, but even if she tells the truth Kiana won't believe her. She knows that.

"You're right." Nova directs her gaze to Kiana. "I lied."

"Why though?" Kiana steps back from Nova. "Why are you so desperate to break us up? What are you in love with him or something?" Kiana scoffs.

"I," Nova looks at Brandon, the answer written all over her face.

"Oh my god. You are, aren't you?"

"Kiana, lets just go.." Brandon's voice is low as he breaks eye contact with Nova.

"No Brandon, I want her to tell the truth for once."

"Kiana please," Nova shakes her head, removing her eyes from Brandon then to the ground.

"Kiana lets go." Brandon's voice is firm this time. He was serious.

Kiana practically jumps at his tone. She looks at him then Nova, she shakes her head before storming out of the store.

"I'm sorry Nova," Brandon shakes his head slightly, before following after Kiana.

They are silent the whole way home, when Brandon drops off Kiana she doesn't say bye, she doesn't even wave. On his way home he considers calling Nova explaining himself, trying to tell her why he's doing all of this, but he doesn't instead he throws his phone into the seat next to him as he drives home.

"You are a complete ass." Zion calls from the front doors as Brandon walks up.

"She called you?" He leans his head down placing a hand on the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah, she told me everything."

"I don't want a fucking lecture right now okay? I'm not a child." Brandon pushes pass Zion to unlock the front door.

"Then stop acting like one." Zion looks at Brandon. "Start acting like the adult you claim to be and tell the god damn truth, you'd be surprised how many people you wouldn't end up hurting." He pats his shoulder, before walking off.

Brandon walks through his front door, locking it behind him. He knew Zion was right, he knew he should have told the truth it would have saved everyone a lot of hurt. He also knew he would have lost them both if he did, and he couldn't do that.

-Novas house-

Nova sits on her bed with tear stained cheeks, Luna sits next to her waiting for Nova to yell, or cry more, but she doesn't she just sits there staring off into nothingness. Luna jumps at a knock on the door.

"I'll go get it." Luna stands up looking at Nova who doesn't even move.

"What are you doing here?" Luna opens the door to reveal Zion.

"I thought I should talk to her." His voice is quiet.

"I mean she's not talking much just kind of sitting there."

"Yeah, she used to do that a lot when we were kids." He smiles at past memories.

"You can try to talk to her." Luna smiles softly, opening the door more for him to walk in. Then they both walk upstairs to Novas room.

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