Chapter 10

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  "Yes?" Luna turns around, wiping her face.

"Are you okay?" Danielle throws her cigarette down, walking closer to Luna.

"It's just Braeden, I'm sure you don't want to hear about it." She shakes her head.

"No I do." Danielle smiles slightly.

"I almost slept with Zion." She takes a seat on the sidewalk. "And Braeden saw me go up with him and he got all mad, and yelled at me he never used to yell at me." Luna's voice is shaky.

"He only yells cause he cares." Danielle sits next to her. "And I know Braeden well enough to know he really cares about you, even if I do hate him for what he did to you. And you should not be ashamed of almost sleeping with someone you are just trying to move on Luna."

"I know but Zion? He's friends with Braeden. It's just he was there you know. He was there and Braeden wasn't." Luna let's out a long shaky breath.

"I know," Danielle places a hand on Luna's back in attempt to comfort her. "-Braeden can't talk anyways he would have slept with Sahar had you not busted his ass."

"He said he wouldn't have," she looks at Danielle. "-He broke up with her."

"I figured, I haven't seen them hanging around together much."

"I just wish I knew how to deal with this, what do I do Danielle? I want him back I want to forgive him but I don't know if I can." Luna puts her head in her hands.

"Don't push yourself its okay to need time, he screwed up really bad and while I think he knows that, he's not giving you the space to heal. I know he loves you Luna, and I know you love him, but you both need time to think. Don't rush anything." Danielle gives her a sympathetic smile.

"I know. I just wish I could back, maybe I could be what he wanted, maybe I could have been more Sahar,"

"Don't say that Luna, you don't need to change for him, and if that's what he wants you do then you deserve better," Danielle cut her off. "-So don't ever think about changing for him, or any guy at that."

Luna doesn't say anything instead she just hugs Danielle. It's what she's needed to hear this whole time.

"Thank you." Luna's voice is soft.

"Anytime." Danielle pulls away from the hug. "Now get your ass back to that party and have fun, you don't need to leave just because of the issue." She put air quotations around the word issues.

"Are you coming?" Luna stands up.

"Nah, I'm going to Penelope's then home." Danielle does the same.

"Penelope's?" Luna tilts her head.

"We have a lot to catch up on, we'll talk tomorrow." Danielle smiles walking the opposite direction from Luna.

Luna made her way back to the party, but she was nervous about going back in. She didn't want to bump into Braeden or Zion, she just wanted to have fun, maybe get high. After all she deserved it. So she slowly made her way back in. Pushing through crowds of people, looking for Nova.

"Nova?" Luna walks up behind her.

"Hey Luna!" Nova trips over her words, the rims around her eyes red. She was most certainly high, and probably slightly tipsy.

"Where did you get the joint?"

"Someone just gave it to me." She shrugs.

"Where is it now?"

"I gave it to Brandon, sorry." She tilts her head.

"It's fine I'll find something." Luna smiles before walking off, stopping at the staircase.

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