The Last day

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Harry pov.

My feet hurt so bad; I have to sit down. This couch is probably one of the best things I've ever sat on. Taking pictures and giving autographs on my CD the whole day was really exhausting. I'm finally alone even it's only an hour until I leave, but I'm sure as hell enjoying it.

There's a knock, why is someone knocking on my door? I still have time. With a groan I rise from the best couch in the world.

This better be important. I open the door and laugh of surprise. "How come you're here?", I asked.

She cracks a smile and answered, "Well, I'm here to buy some things for the tour, it starts in about two weeks. And then I saw you, so I thought why not visit you." I always liked this girl, she's always friendly and smiling.

"Sure, come in Leigh-Anne." She steps inside with the typical smile on her face.

"Tell me, how are things for you? I haven't seen any of you since quite a time." While talking I sit down on the heavenly couch again. She takes a seat next to me. After I said it, I realize I really don't have contact with any of them.

"You were busy, so were we. Don't worry." Leigh-Anne smiles again. Now I remember why I always liked this girl.

I hand her a water bottle next to me. The girl just shakes her head. "No thanks. I'm good. I won't stay long."

After a short pause she starts to talk again. "As I said, the tour starts really soon. Finally. And our new song bounce back is number one."

"But enough about me. How are you? I went to one of your shows, in the O2 I think. It was great. I loved the rainbow flags." I laugh at the last comment.

"You saw the crowd. My second album is surprisingly high in the charts. Don't know why to be honest." Like, I really don't know why. It had to be short, even shorter than the last one because it was ether a short or no album at all.

"Your Harry fucking Styles, of course it goes great." I only answered with a head shake and a laughter. She really is something.

"Enough about that. How long was it, since we last saw each other?" I try to change the topic, a terrible attempt.

"Pretty long. To long if you ask me." Leigh-Anne must have noticed my embarrassing attempt. How sweet of her. "However, I met the others. Mostly Louis. He even helped us with some rude paps once. A real angel that one." How evil of her.

But I have to get comfortable with the thought of him. Hell, I will see him sooner than I want to.

"But uhm we also performed on few events with Liam. I mean he performed on the same event, not with us." She rambles. She probably saw my uncomfortable face.

"Liam has travelled the world, that's for sure. But anyway, how is Andre? You're still, together right?"

Leigh-Anne looks away for a second. This change of topic was even more miserable then the last one.

"He's great. A real dream man. I couldn't wish for someone else, really." "I know that feeling. Best one ever." She laughs a bit and suddenly her phone rings.

"Sorry Harry, I have to take this. It's Jesy, probably about the tour."

"Yeah sure, no problem." She thanks me with a nod, stands up and walks few steps.

To be honest I don't listen to the conversation. I'm just surprised with the coincidence of her being her. I barely see any of my old friends. The last time I saw Little Mix, the whole group was after Louis' performance at X-Factor. The one where he sang Just hold on. After the performance we all went to a club. Well, the three of us didn't stay long, but we meet them there and talked-

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