Chapter 7 - Lost (Part 1 - Cavern)

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It's been 2 Days since Accelerate came and things were going good. Currently RRWB, Yang, Accelerate, Jazz, Weiss were heading to Ozpins Office. Eventually they made it to the Office were Weiss saw a familiar face.

Weiss: "Winter?!"

Winter: "Ah, Weiss, it's good to see you, who are your friends?"

"I'm afraid that I'll have to cut the introductions short, due to the reason of bringing you here," Ozpin Interrupted

Winter: "Of course."

Bee: "So Oz, what's the mission?

Ozpin: "A Vale Archeologists has recently found an ancient map that lead them to a cave so they asked me if they could borrow some huntsmen."

Accelerate: "So you want us to keep him safe." 

"Correct, you'll be briefed on the rest on the way there, Team RRWB (ruby), Accelerate, Jazz, I must speak with you six in private," Oz said signaling the other three to leave, once they left Ruby spoke, "So why did you keep us back?"

Oz: "I did a topographical scan of the cave, it leads to a massive underground cavern, the tunnel is too small for your Cybertronian forms and too narrow for your alt modes, and as for the cavern; my instincts are telling me that there's something important in there, to you will not be allowed to use your Cybertronian body or weaponry, but I will let you use your armor."

All: "Understood."

Then they left.


The bullhead trip took a bit but they were patient, eventually they arrived, and as soon as they stepped of the Bullhead they saw who they were keeping an eye on: Archibald Witwicky.

The bullhead trip took a bit but they were patient, eventually they arrived, and as soon as they stepped of the Bullhead they saw who they were keeping an eye on: Archibald Witwicky

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(For when he talks I'll just put Archi)

Archi: "Ah, just on schedule, it's good to finally have you here."

Winter: "We are happy to help you."

Accelerate: "So when do we start going?"

Archi: "Are you all ready to go?"

Ruby: "Um, yes."

Archi: "Well we'll start going now."

The group start walking into the cave, everyone was quiet, but eventually Weiss decided to try and start a conversation.

Weiss: "So Mr Witwicky, how many famous Archaeologic finds have you discovered."

Archi: "Zero sadly, I'm hoping that this will finally make me famous."

he looked back down at the map as they continued on, everyone was calm, well everyone except Raiden who was on edge and Ruby noticed this.

Ruby: "Raiden, are you ok."

Raiden: "No, something isn't right."

"Raiden I'm sure everything will be fine," Ruby said, and she just had to jinx them. Yang stepped on a stone and it made a click and in a split second the ground opened up like trap door and they fell through onto what they could describe as a slide. they slid for a minute before it stopped making the group end up in a dogpile with Jazz on the bottom and Windblade on top, thankfully Mr Witwicky wasn't in the dog pile.

Winter: "Ugh, is everyone alright."

"Yea," Bee said; but what Windblade said next was concerning,  "Wait, where Ruby, Raiden and Accelerate?"

The group looked around to see that Windblade was right, the three were nowhere to be seen.


The slide had split of into two different routes, the three went the other way to the others. But instead of ending on flat ground it ended with a sheer drop, Accelerate activated his thrusters on his armor to stop is fall; but Raiden landed feet firmly flat on the ground causing a small crater, then he out stretched his arms and caught Ruby bridal-style.

"Are you alright Ruby?" he asked as Ruby looked up and blushed as she realizes the position she was in before replying, "Y-yea, I'm fine, c-can you please put me down."

He did as she asked before saying, "Where's Accelerate gone to?"

"Ah guys, you might wanna see this," Accelerate said while looking at something with his back turned to the two, who went over to him and saw what he was looking at, and it made their jaws drop.

"Ah guys, you might wanna see this," Accelerate said while looking at something with his back turned to the two, who went over to him and saw what he was looking at, and it made their jaws drop

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A/N: Ignore the boat

Ruby: "By Primus."

Accelerate: "A whole underground city."

Raiden didn't say anything, instead he started walking towards it.

Ruby: "Raiden where are you going."

"To take point," he said looking back before continuing towards the city with the other two following him.

A/N: And that's done, sorry it took a bit, but I have a list of what each chapter will be called and I have an idea on what will happen in each one:

-chapter 8 - lost (Part 2 - the temple)
-Chapter 9 - lost (Part 3 - [will remain secret for now])
-Chapter 10 - Family Day
-Chapter 11 - Innocence Lost
-Chapter 12 - New Members/Departure
-Chapter 13 - Decepticons!.................. Mobilize
-Chapter 14 - Battle For Vale (Beginning)
-Chapter 1? - Battle For Vale (Ruby, Accelerate, Raiden Vs Megatron)

And that's the list so far, this is Prime987 signing off.

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