Prologue (1)

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             "Excuse me, Mr. Park?" The feminine voice of Park Jinyoung's secretary made its way into JYP's daydreams. The CEO and producer for JYP entertainment was startled from his thoughts, his Naruto pen twirling around through his fingers as he thought about his groups, new songs, memes, and anime comics. Messy stacks of files were stacked upon his desk. His walls were covered in crayon colored pictures from little kindergartener fans. Paperwork was piled up on a corner of his desk, and a stray piece of paper had scribbles of song names, lyrics, and funny pictures he had drawn in pen. An entire series of Slam Dunk was stacked in the middle of his desk, and a sighed copy of Calvin and Hobbs was spread over his desk. Spare pieces of papers were scattered across the floor and his desk, and the shiny new Macbook Jackson had bought for him for his birthday was covered in random meme stickers of his groups that he has liked on the internet, and if you looked at the tabs on his computer, you would see that the only tab open would be the newest video from Brainpop.
              "Ah, yes?" JYP said.
              "Today I received an email from the producers of the TV show Idol School. They asked if we could send out participants for their show, and for two participants for their new show, preferably a girl and a boy group. How should we respond?"
            JYP thought, mind whirling. Idol School was the new rising TV show that wanted to send idols back to high school. He had watched it with his wife once. It was quite good. "Yes," he said. "Say yes. And as for the groups," JYP paused, deep in thought.
            "Send Got7 and Twice."

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