Scene One

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(Lights up.)

(Alivia is walking away from the ticket booth and goes to stand next to Jasper in a train station lobby. The sounds of distant trains can be heard. Alivia glances at Jasper and the area around her before turning back to the board where the destinations hang.)

ANNOUNCER: The following stop has been cancelled, Pleasant Lake.

(Jasper peers down at Alivia's ticket, seeing her destination.)

JASPER: What's in King Springs?

ALIVIA:(Putting her ticket away) The stars...(pauses) and hopefully my mother.

JASPER:(Turns to her.) The stars? (Pauses) If you wanted to see the stars darling, just look up.

ALIVIA:(Sighs.) All my life, all I have ever wanted was to meet the stars, not see them.

JASPER:(Looks over to Aliva, frowning.) So what's stopping you?

ALIVIA:(Laughs bitterly.) Have you seen where we are? (She gestures around the train station.)

(Jasper looks around the train station, taking notice of the people sleeping on the floor and benches.)

JASPER: We're in a train station, there are so many places you can go to.

ALIVIA: Not I.(Pauses.) Not anymore.

JASPER: Well, why not?

(Alivia is quiet for a moment. Tears have gathered in her eyes as she avoids his gaze.)

Announcer: Attention, all passengers. The next train will be arriving in fifteen minutes.

ALIVIA:(Suddenly.) Have you heard the stories behind the stars?

JASPER: I can't say that I have.

ALIVIA: My mother...(Laughs.) She used to tell me stories of the stars. My favourite one that she used to tell me was that the stars we see in the sky are human souls.

JASPER: Human souls?

ALIVIA: (nods) Yes, human souls. The story goes that when we are born, we are born without souls. Our souls are taken from a star and when we die, our souls return to that companion star. We watch over our loved ones until it is time for our souls to be reborn. It is said that's how soulmates were created. Two souls that are taken from the same star are split into two. On earth, in life, and in death the two souls are constantly searching for one another. The two souls that were split cannot rest until they are both connected again.

JASPER:(Shakes his head slightly.) So how does your soul know to search for its other half?

ALIVIA: I imagine it's like forgetting something but not remembering you forgot. You know that it's missing but consciously you can't remember what it is you're looking for until you've found it.

JASPER: And your mother, she believed in reincarnation?

ALIVIA: Very much so.

JASPER: (Laughs.) Don't tell me she was a psychic.

ALIVIA: That's just insulting. (Pause) She was a witch.

JASPER: (Laughing harder.) That's even worse.

ALIVIA: (Points with a playful glare.) Mind your tongue, that's my mother you're speaking about.

JASPER: My apologies...

(Alivia and Jasper glance at one another and begin to laugh.)

ALIVIA: Okay, okay. (Holds up her thumb and index finger in a pinch motion.) It's a little funny.

Announcer: Attention, all passengers. The train will be arriving in 10 minutes.

ALIVIA: So, what brings you here? (Observes him.) I don't see a ticket.

JASPER:(Shrugs) I don't know. I've been here for the past week, searching for something.

ALIVIA: What are you searching for? (Smiles) Maybe I can help?

JASPER: I haven't found out what it is yet, but I'll let you know when I do. (Shrugs) And you don't need a ticket when you have nowhere to go.

ALIVIA: But wait. You said that you've been here for a week? (Looks around in confusion.) It's a train station, how could not have found what you are searching for? There are many destinations and possibilities that you could search.

JASPER: It's hard to believe huh? (Looks at the destinations sign.) It's not so easy, you'll come to find. Every time I get on a train, I end up right back to where I started...(Gestures around them.) here.

ALIVIA: Why not just get off at the next stop?

JASPER:(Shakes his head in disbelief, not quite understanding what she's talking about.) There is no next stop. (Pauses.) Not for those who are searching.

ALIVIA: Searching for what?

JASPER: That's the million dollar question.

ALIVIA:(Shakes head.) I don't understand...

JASPER: This isn't a normal train station, darling. (Gestures around them.) Do you see all these people here? They are all here for a reason, the same reason as you and I.

(Alivia looks around at all the people before turning her gaze back to Jasper. She drops her suitcase on the ground and sits on it.)

Announcer: Attention, all passengers. The next train will be arriving in 5 minutes.

(Distant train horn can be heard in the station.)

ALIVIA: But I'm just here to meet the stars...(Looks around.) they all can't be here to meet the stars.

JASPER:(Takes a seat on his suitcase next to Alivia's.) Sweetheart, if you were really wanting to meet the stars you wouldn't be here.

ALIVIA:(Stands up in frustration, knocking over her suitcase in the process.) Who are you to tell me who I want or don't want to meet? I've wanted to meet the stars my entire life and I'm not going to sit and be insulted by some mediocre boy who can't even get on the correct train!

JASPER:(Stands from his suitcase in a calm manner, placing his hands up in a surrender motion.) Alright, I apologize.

(A sound of a train coming in can be heard off stage.)

JASPER: The next train is here, so by all means, board it and go see the stars.

ANNOUNCER: Attention, all passengers. The train to King Springs is now boarding.

ALIVIA:(Bends down to pick up her suitcase.) I think I might. Good meeting you. I do hope you find what you are searching for.

JASPER: I hope you do as well, doll.

(Alivia pulls a train ticket out of her pocket and begins to walk away.)

JASPER:(Raises voice.) Hey sweetheart!

ALIVIA:(Turns around.) What?

JASPER: Jasper. My name is Jasper.

ALIVIA:(Smiles.) Alivia.

(Alivia turns back around and walks backstage through a visible door. The noise of the train taking off is heard leaving the station. Jasper returns to his suitcase and sits down with a sigh, picking up a newspaper as the lights begin to dim. The voice of the announcer comes through the PA.)

ANNOUNCER: Attention, all passengers. The next train will be arriving in 20 minutes.

(Lights out.)

SearchingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora