Scene Three

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(At rise we see Alivia entering the stage through the side door. She is carrying her suitcase and immediately takes notice of Jasper laughing at her. Slightly fewer people are on stage but the remains of newspapers and water bottles are on the ground.)

ANNOUNCER: The following stops have been cancelled, Pleasant Lake, Kernersville, Hollatine, Batten, Bay Burry, Deer Ridge, Red Oak, Trenton, and Anderson.

ALIVIA:(Making her way over to Jasper.) No, no, no. Please tell me I fell asleep.

JASPER:(Stops laughing.) My apologies, but I did warn you. (He holds out the newspaper to her.)

ALIVIA:(Drops her suitcase and grabs the newspaper from Jasper's hand. She reads slowly.) December 4, 1923. (Stutters.) But... that's... that's impossible. I was only gone a day. (She looks to Jasper.) I don't understand.

JASPER: You've been gone for two months, darling.

ALIVIA:(Raises voice in panic.) I see that but how! (Yelling.) How could I possibly have been gone for two months?

(Alivia throws the newspaper on the ground and begins to pace the train station. Her eyes tear up as she quickly looks around her.)

ANNOUNCER: Attention, all passengers. The next train will be arriving in 15 minutes.

JASPER:(Walking over to her slowly.) Aliva, you need to calm down.

ALIVIA:(Turns to him quickly, pushing him away from her as she starts yelling.) Calm down? (Pushing him again.) Don't tell me to calm down.

JASPER:(Grabs her hands.) Listen to me!

ALIVIA:(Shaking her head.) No! I am done listening to you and your nonsense. (She tries to free her hands from his hold to no avail. She groans in frustration.) Let me go!

JASPER:(Holds her tighter.) Not until you calm down.

ALIVIA:(She stops struggling, narrowing her gaze at him and she speaks with a slightly raised voice.) I am calm.

(Jasper releases her arms and Alivia immediately crosses them, glaring at Jasper.)

JASPER:(Speaks softly.) You're scared and that's okay. I'm here to help you, darling. You don't have to go through this alone.

ALIVIA:(Sighs in defeat.) I'm not scared. (Pauses.) I'm terrified. I was gone for two months Jasper, two! (Shows two fingers as if to prove a point.) I have no idea what I was doing or where I was...(Trails off.)

JASPER:(Sighs.) It's your heart. There's a part of you that wants to stay.

ALIVIA:(Confused.) Stay? (Scoffs.) Trust me, I do not want to stay at this train station.

JASPER: Not the train station, doll.

ALIVIA:(Frustrated.) You're speaking in riddles.

(Jasper sighs, grabbing Alivia's hand and bringing her over to the arrival and departure time board, hanging in the upstage area.)

ANNOUNCER: Attention, all passengers. The next train will be arriving in 10 minutes.

JASPER:(Softly.) Everyone has a destination and a time to go to this destination. Those who are searching, they came too early, they are not ready for the next step. You are not ready, Alivia. That's why I'm here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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