Chapter 41

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Star, Allan and Vicky all went out of Twinkle's bedroom. Star held on to Vicky and gave her a hug. Vicky took a deep breath. "Time, we'll give her time. That's what she needs right now. Okay, Amelia?" Vicky reminded Star as she rubbed her back. Star nodded. She hasn't stopped crying since their talk with Twinkle. "Tahan na. Everything will be okay," Vicky said as she continued to rub Star's back with one hand and wiped her tears with the other. "Ang hirap. Ang hirap hirap," Star said as she shook her head. "I know. We're all exhausted lalo na sya. She'll be okay. We'll all be okay. We'll let her rest for now. It's been a long day for her. It's been a long day for everyone, too. Mag-pahinga ka na din muna. Mag-pahinga muna tayong lahat," Vicky said as she walked Star to her bedroom. Allan gave Star a tight hug. "Vicky's right, mahal. Rest for now. Mag-pahinga ka na muna. 'Wag ka na muna masyado mag-isip. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Don't stress yourself out, please," Allan said as he gave Star a kiss on the cheeks. Star held on to Allan for a longer hug before she finally let him go. Star said her goodbyes as she walked Allan outside. Then she gave Vicky a hug before each of them entered their own rooms. "Love you, Vicks. Thank you sa lahat lahat," Star said as she smiled a little. "Love you too, Amelia. Sabi nga ni Millie diba, Team Sticky? We stick together," Vicky said as she smiled. "What will we do without Millie?" Star said with a smile and a wave before they finally entered their own rooms.

That night, Star couldn't get any sleep. She desperately wanted to be by Twinkle's side. She took a deep breath and looked worriedly at the time. It was fifteen minutes pass three in the morning. She slowly got up and went to the medicine cabinet. She rummaged through the pills and found some pain pills she could take. She popped one tablet into her mouth and then used the bathroom. When she got out, she decided to check on Vicky. She slowly opened Vicky's bedroom door and took a peek. It was dark but she can clearly see that Vicky was already past asleep, so she gently closed the door, careful not to wake her up. Then she went over to Twinkle's bedroom. She opened it slowly and took a peek inside. The night lamp was on. Twinkle's back was against the door, so Star wasn't sure if her daughter was still awake. She slowly opened the door wider and entered the room. She took a deep breath, terrified to be caught. However, Twinkle was already asleep. Star sighed as she looked at her daughter. Twinkle's eyes were swollen from crying. This made Star's heart ache even more. She longed to sleep by her daughter's side. She longed for Twinkle to sleep on her arms. Star couldn't help but decide to take a risk and crawled slowly on Twinkle's bed to sleep by her side. The moment her body landed on the bed, Twinkle took a deep breath. Star shut her eyes, bit her lip, and dared not to move. Suddenly, it was as if Twinkle automatically knew her mother was by her side. Her eyes remained close. Her eyebrows met from the pain she was still having, but her body slowly ang gently snuggled close to her mother. Star immediately started crying quietly as she took her daughter in her arms. Her arm ached like hell, but she didn't mind that Twinkle slept on top of it. She kissed her daughter's forehead as she allowed her to hug her gently. Twinkle automatically wrapped her legs and arms around Star and fell asleep by her mother's chest. Star kissed her daughter's forehead one more time then her cheek. She hugged Twinkle's arm that was wrapped around her, careful not to put too much weight on her. Star immediately felt comfortable. She was at peace. She fell asleep knowing and feeling that this was exactly where she belonged.

That morning, Star woke up with Twinkle still wrapped around her. She smiled. She gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead and on the cheek. She gently took out her arm from underneath her daughter's head and gently placed Twinkle's head back on the pillow. She took Twinkle's hand that was placed on her belly and gently placed it on the bed. She did the same with the leg that Twinkle put on top of hers. She got up and left the bed gently, careful not to disturb her daughter's sleep. She listened carefully to Twinkle's breathing and made sure she was getting enough oxygen. She leaned forward to give her daughter another gentle kiss on the forehead and on the cheek before she finally decided to go out onto the living room. She took a deep breath and opened the glass door to let some fresh air in. Then she went to the kitchen and made coffee on the coffee maker. She took another deep breath as she poured herself a mug when the coffee was ready. She sat down at the dining table and stared outside. Within a few minutes, Vicky came out of her bedroom, Star gave her a little smile. "Good morning," Vicky said quietly as she smiled and leaned over at Star to give her a hug. "Good morning," Star greeted her as she hugged her in return. "Ang bilis talaga ng pang-amoy mo sa coffee," Star quietly teased. "I know," Vicky said as she smiled a little as she too poured herself a mug. The two of them sat together quietly having their morning coffee when Star heard a car park in the driveway. "Allan's here," she said as she got up and opened the door even before he got out of the car. "Hey," he said to her as he smiled. "Good morning," Star said sleepily as she smiled back at him. "Good morning, mahal," he said as he pulled her gently for an embrace and a kiss on the lips. Star smiled as she went in the house with him. "Good morning," Allan greeted Vicky. "Good morning. Sorry, sabog sabog ba yung buhok ko," Vicky said as she fixed the curlers in her head. "That's fine," Allan said as he smiled. "Coffee, mahal?" Star asked. "Ah sure, but I'll go get it," he said as he stood up again. "No, I'll get it for you," Star said as she made her way to the kitchen. "Okay, thank you. How is she?" He asked as he looked at Vicky and then at Star. "Ganun pa din," Star said quietly. Allan nodded. "Is she still asleep?" He asked. The two women nodded. He nodded in return. Star brought a mug filled with coffee as the three of them sat quietly in the dining room, staring quietly outside.

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