• Epilogue •

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"Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Mr. Lee." The students stood up and bowed, I nodded and placed my stuff on the table and cleared my throat.

5 years ago, I never thought that I would be teaching in front of middle school students.

5 years ago, I never thought that I would become a Math teacher. 5 years ago, I was lost and walking aimlessly with a path I was not familiar with.

5 years ago, I am not myself. Until I am.

After my class, I was walking in the hallways when a student suddenly approached me.

"Saem!" They called, it was a high school student. A senior, I forgot her name.

"Ah yes?" I asked, looking down at the girl with curious eyes

"Please accept my confession." She then gave me a pink card and when I grabbed it she ran away immediately, I turned around and saw her friends running with her. I smirked at how childish they seem but remembered how I was also childish before.

I continued walking until I reached the bus station in to which I saw the girl I was waiting to see all day. She was wearing a simple dress while wearing her headset, her head was bopping to the beat while reading a book, cross-legged.

I smiled before clearing my throat and sat beside her.

She instantly noticed and turned her head to the side, she saw me and removed her headphones, hanged it loosely on her neck while clinging onto my arm.

"Hey. When did you get here?" She asked, I gave her peck on the cheek

"Just now." I answered, "what you listening to?"

"Taeyeon-" she paused, I disconnected her headset and connected my earphones as I wore the left earpiece while I place the other in her ear.

"Fine." I continued her words as we listened to Taeyeon's Fine. Her favorite.

She gave me a small smile and rested her head on my shoulder as she still cling to my arm.

You might be wondering what happened the past few years after graduation. Well let me sum it up for everyone.

Yeri continued practicing medicine with Jaehyun hyung by her side, I mean Dr. Jung, yep. After 3 months upon our graduation, he officially became a licensed doctor. Yeri couldn't be any prouder. They are technically living together but Yeri would always deny it since she would tell us that hyung would still go home to his own house.

Lucas, on the other hand, is busy with his career as an artist. He got a lot of invites internationally because of his paintings and photographs. Not only that, he is also known because he is young and good-looking.

I even joked that he should be an actor but he would definitely messed it up because of how goofy he is. As for his current love status, well, he is still single. Koeun told me that it'll stay that way until he grows up.

She'd always thought that Yeri and Lucas would end up together but it's a good thing that they didn't.

"They would definitely fight all the time rather than being lovey-dovey"

Those words still make me crack up. I definitely think that Lucas would find his match one day but for now, we couldn't be more proud on his achievements.

And even Jaehyun hyung and Yeri are a match. Jaehyun hyung would always know how to make Yeri shut her mouth and even make her nervous. I couldn't imagine Yeri being speechless, she always has a way to backfire with an argument but with Jaehyun hyung she always loses.

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