Im so sorry OOF-

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Hello guys,sorry for not updating,I'm getting bored for no reason,and I have sleeping problems,but how r u guys???and a Bradphia Fanfic has been released for now(as a draft) and- TwistedLauren and ThePonyFIMmakers stories are back!!!I got them as a draft,I'm super bored as af-and yes you can see my first lineless art,and I have Twitter and DeviantArt so if you want to follow me here ya go!!!(Where I post arts lately):
And boi-Ima send ya a pic :D

Hello guys,sorry for not updating,I'm getting bored for no reason,and I have sleeping problems,but how r u guys???and a Bradphia Fanfic has been released for now(as a draft) and- TwistedLauren and ThePonyFIMmakers stories are back!!!I got them as ...

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AHHHHHHHH———Charlie noticed emme :> and I never thought about getting noticed my a youtuber who's famous D:,and you guys have questions,Why's Twitter My Old YT Account Name???Well,That's supposed to be my Twitter account,but I couldn't bring it back though,and In Roblox,SophiaDab123 and KitKat_MickeyMouse has been gone!!!which means,I cannot use them for a long time,but I have two accounts and there name is...SophieIsG0N3_5674890(I use it sometimes) and LavenderIsCute_98756(I'm using it) so I got back as a noob is ;w; but doesn't matter,and If you guys don't follow my social medias/social accounts,you won't see what I post or do UwU,And This kind of sleeping problems makes me cri,but I never told you that...I never noticed I hurt myself,like something always control me for no reason...and I'm not depressed anymore,I got my happiness back with positive things,and as usually,I'm not Sucidal!!!but I'm wondering,If I'm going to get controlled in next time,and good thing I stopped myself before I cut,but this kind of happiness is really giving me creeps,and also I have my emotions back(which means my emotionless self is gone),and I miss my fellow Lauren friend that lives here in Wattpad ;-;
But actually her real name is not Lauren,it's just her nickname,and her real-real name is...mystic lavender and yup,that is her real name,and I have some drafts left on this book and here's some special drafts I got(I'm not telling you guys the normal one):

Sophigy-Hey Brother(Nightcore)☝️

Poke and Tofuu-The Other Side
RandomStuffs3(Act 33-50)
And I promise I'm going to update that soon,and I can't believe that this happiness is killing me,somebody call a doctor,my happiness is insane right now,but I'm so excited,I'm going to release some books at days,and I have Youtube and Snapchat:
Youtube-(1st acc.)SophiaThatReplays/(2nd acc.)Sophia Marie V. Navata
And I'm also happy that my other book(Sophia's Random Book) has got 2k and it has least voted and in this book got many votes so go on there,to check out the first part,to see really going into here-and usually,I wanted to die becuz of my future job,and I choose real life as youtuber stuffs is hard,but sometimes I get noticed my fellow youtubers,which makes me go explode,and U don't know why,I am typing so long so yeah-
Mystic Lav-How could you!!!You forgot about me!!!
oh hi Lav,haven't seen ya a long time >:3
Mystic Lav-oh yes,and I still ship you with your irl crush and your favorite youtubers!!!hahaha!!!
I also ship you with TwiistedPandora UwU
Mystic Lav-oh shut up!!!
Okay,and I got to say again,My Anger is the most dangerous thing inside of me,because I go wild-and I'm somehow get interested like a professional person and-
Lavender- okay that's a lot thanks for reading I hope you all enjoy and pls vote and comment down below,See ya Cupcakes!!!Bye!!!
Lav-Shush,use that in the next part next time!!!
(641 words)

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