Chapter 32: Autophagy

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The truck coughed, spat some smoke. All at once, the mass of people pushed forward, jostled against the sides of their rig and against each other, because they were all swarming towards the priestess who had appeared outside the train. A roar of voices exploded all around them. There were so many that Kanna could not make out any of the individual words, but the collective tone was one of shock and confusion, like the crowd was a single creature that had let out a unified gasp.

Aside from that, there was a strange stillness that permeated underneath. Kanna realized after a second that it was because she could no longer feel the giant's breathing. Kanna ventured to look towards the driver's side, and felt herself seize up when she noticed Goda's expression.

The giant's gaze was fixed on the train platform ahead. Her mouth was slightly parted, her eyes widened. Her right hand—the one marred with teeth marks—was still clasped to the speed lever, but the knuckles had started to lose their color. Her left hand was gripping the side of the driver's door, and her arm had progressively begun to shake, to rattle the metal as if she were unconsciously on the verge of ripping it open.

Instead, Goda leapt over the door. Before Kanna could even think to ask what was happening, the giant was sprinting through the crowd, pushing women out of the way, grabbing men by the back of their robes and tugging them aside.

"What's wrong with her?" Kanna could hear the giant calling out over the multitude of heads, a panicked cry that burst out of huge lungs and competed with the din of the crowd. "What happened to the priestess?"

Goda clawed her way towards the train, but before she had reached the platform, a pair of soldiers noticed her, and they pushed her back before she reached the military trucks that blocked the way.

"Don't come any closer!" one of them yelled. "We have an emergency situation here. There's a priestess being transported to the health administration building."

Goda didn't fight them, but she ignored what they said and she tried to use her shoulders to push past them. Another pair of brutes appeared from either side, bigger than the first two, and they tightened the boundary, and Goda was not strong enough to cross any further.

Still, Kanna could see that the giant had stooped down into a soldier's face. She was shouting, "What's wrong with her? How long has she been like this? Have they tried to treat her yet? What medicine are they using on her?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know that?" The soldier pressed her hand on Goda's chest and pushed the giant against the crowd. "Get back! It's none of your concern! I said get back!"

Even from where she was sitting, Kanna could see that the giant's spine was racked with tension, like a rope on the verge of snapping.

"I need to see her!" Goda shouted. "Let me through!"

One of the other soldiers, who seemed to make a double-take when she noticed Goda's face, yelled over the growing racket, "Oh, I'm sure you do! You're that priestess-killer Goda Brahm, aren't you? Are you looking to add another one to your list?"

Goda punched her in the face. Even though the soldier fell to the ground, several more swooped in quickly, and they all descended on Goda, some of them swinging their fists and some of them grasping to subdue her.

Goda retreated then, but as she did so, she rammed against the crowd, which sent a wave of uncomfortable movement through the multitude. People bumped into each other violently and took each other by surprise, and as the angry soldiers squeezed their way through to continue their pursuit, the mob grew only more agitated.

One of the taller soldiers managed to reach Goda's side, and she launched a fist up, aimed for the giant's jaw; but as Goda was absorbed into the movement of the mass, the solider missed and instead struck a young man who had been trying to shuffle away.

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