Chapter Seven: Within Haven

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Sir Wallace decided it would be best to give the warbands a rest and avail themselves, and the Wenches, of the hospitality of Reggie. No matter how off it seemed to be suffering a vampyre to live, given the dangers Reggie presented, it seemed best to just indulge for the time being. At most a night. Sir Jabberjaw was greatly thankful for this, and had showered Sir Wallace with praises and gesticulations that both shamed himself and Sir Wallace. The Wild Boars and Wenches had a good laugh, as well as some errant Squirrels who had stayed back seemingly unsure of their place since the Mayor was no longer the Mayor, but instead just another slave. They seemed uncomfortable in their own skin or to just be around Haven, for that matter and there were murmurings of them returning from whence they came. Conversation with the Squirrels was forced, and many seemed unable, or unwilling, to answer questions about their meister, their road back to the Strat, and contracts that they sought to complete. It was frustrating for everyone involved, so the Wild Boars and Wenches thought it best to leave it alone for their own peace of mind. Sir Jabberjaw paid no mind to the Squirrels. Instead, he had taken up his place next to Sir Janice as he was wont to do, and as what they had become accustomed to.

He began to strum a tune and begin a little diddley about their little adventure humming off chords, replaying them on his lute, and adding lyrics to boot. "Sir Jared fought the beasts, mighty and strong, snuffing out the cave troll, and wendigo throng, yet to his dismay the werewolf he smote not, because of its large balls and massive furry cock." The last line threw everyone into a pall of laughter, and Sir Jared took it well as he was tended by the likes of Meister Kevin.

Before Sir Wallace had a mind to tell Reggie of his decision, a slave woman had approached him, glassy eyed and stoic. She informed him that should they choose to stay, their lodgings would be in the Omni, a tavern and inn of sorts, but much more luxurious than what was customary to give to a slave knight. Reggie seemed to have been more than happy with all the work of the slave knights, and wanted to shower them with gifts galore. It was much appreciated by Wild Boars and Wenches alike

Sir Wallace thanked her and asked to guide them toward their weapons. She gave him a distant look, as if she was thinking hard and long. Sir Jabberjaw saw this exchange and was ready to make a tiff about it, but had come to the same realization that she had been thinking long and hard, not necessarily slighting their battle commander. In truth, she was asking her meister about giving the slave knights their weapons and travel gear. Her face contorted in pain, possibly a negative reaction brought on by Reggie's reaction to the question. She all, but screamed in pain and fright, yet the negative reaction soon subsided. Her vacant glassy eyed stare returned.

"The meister is none too happy about the requests, but understands the place and position weapons hold in a slave knight's heart. So the meister does say that you may have your weapons and gear, but asks you to remember how easily Caudicus overcame one of your warband, and how much more sorrow ten Caudicus' can bring to your world." The slave gestured for them to follow her as she led them toward their weapons.

Sir Jabberjaw looked over through the arena and saw Caudicaus, stammering and yelping away like the small pup he was. He chased his tail, his tongue wagged out, and it was generally a happy and massive puppy. But a beast lives in there. A beast that almost killed Sir Jared. A beast that could dispatch us all in a moment. I would not want to imagine fighting it alone, let alone ten. Sir Jabberjaw shook his head warrily, and knew it best to stay his hand when it came to such things. As did all the slave knights, who were in hearing distance of the vampyre's slave.

Another slave approached Caudicus and the pup whined a bit, yet when the slave got close enough, it bowed its head low and gave its neck toward the slave. A chain was set around Caudicus' and a stake was put in the middle of the arena. Caudicus was allowed free reign of the arena for the time being, but it seemed that Reggie wanted to take some preliminary precautions in fear of something worse happening. Or just to show his dominion over the beast, Sir Jabberjaw thought.

The Slave Knight Part 1: The DagonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora