Chapter Twenty-Seven: Walnut

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It was a less exciting trip to get the slave knights onto the ship. The lifeboat idea failed as Ames and Mika had unfortunately had cut the ropes off of the lifeboats in the wrong place leading to them being dashed away on the waves and the rocks below. Thankfully, another gangplank was found below, and the USS Constitution was able to dock near the slave knights and have them all come aboard easily and quickly. Immediately thereafter, they set off to P-Town toward the Dagon and toward the end of their journey.

Joa and Duneson had taken up the role of navigation and steering the boat, as Duneson was the only person that truly knew how to get anywhere in this body of water, and Joa was truly the only person that knew how to sail a ship. C, Yordhan, and Cloudy had all taken up positions on the crows nest in order to spy out any danger, or land, or whatever they believed was of note. Zerg and Bogargz decided to rest and take stock of their drinks, and waste it away down their gullets as fast as they saw fit.

The slave knight's only job was not dying on the ship. As they had no concept of sailing, and were not used to anything regarding water, the constant motion they felt below them caused none of them to keep what was in their bellies, in their bellies for that long of a time. Rendering them practically useless. The majority of them spent most of their time over the edge of the ship, vomiting out the contents of their stomachs into the sea waters. Many remained filled with vertigo and unable to make heads or tails of where they were or what they were doing. Even the strongest and proudest of them could not stand against the motion of the ocean. It was a terrible time for them, yet a hopeful time as they. As they knew they were ending their oyage and would be face to face with the Dagon, and their unbinding soon enough. It was there that Sir Wallace sat with the likes of Sir Winifred, face to face with her for maybe the last time.

"Sir Wallace," she began, with a slight contempt in her voice. While Sir Wallace had made great strides in amending who he was and what he did, it was nowhere near enough to make anyone feel comfortable or happy with what Sir Wallace was about.


"How are you feeling?" Sir Winifred asked as she saw that Sir Jabberjaw had let out another volley of bile into the starboard side of the ship.

"Terrible. Dizzy. But all of this matters naught as we seem to be getting to where we need to, for the greater good of all." He gave a weak smile and closed his eyes. She considered him for a moment, and thought of many things to ask him. Mainly of the hurtful variety, seeing that he deserved little and less of her respect, but soon she relented. She knew that it was not an easy journey for anyone. Seeing that he had no true direction after the likes of Meister Kevin died. Seeing that he had no cornerstone, other than the Dagon, to hang his life his purpose. Seeing that he was just one sole slave knight just trying his best, she tried to give him the benefit of the doubt for once.

Everyone had a plan, after the whole Dagon affair was done, yet Sir Wallace had never intimated anything of the like to anyone. At least not to her knowledge. She wanted truly to know what made him tick. What made him wake up in the morning. What made him not jump over the side of this ship and end it all in the best and easiest way possible.

"What will you do?" Sir Winifred asked.

"What will you do Sir Wallace, after all this Dagon business? If the words of Duneson are true," she smiled to herself in spite of herself, "you, and I and all of the warband will be unbound. We will be free to do and not as we please. What will you do?"

"I do not know."


"I do not know what I will or I won't do."

The Slave Knight Part 1: The DagonWhere stories live. Discover now