Chapter Eight: Without Haven

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The slave knights woke before the first rays of a cloudful dawn pieced the morning atmosphere. While there was no room for the yellow sun to shine unto and on the dark earth they knew as Mother Gaia, it provided the perfect backdrop to the grey and dreary world the slave knights had become accustomed to. Nobody in particular had cajoled one or the other to waking. Instead, it was just by sheer force of habit that each and every one of the Wild Boars and the Wenches rose to life and began their morning rituals in preparation for their departure. Most, if not all of them, just grabbed their shit and congregated within the main ballroom at the Omni hotel. It was an order passed through from Sir Wallace and Sir Winona, which all obeyed and agreed it was the wisest course of action. The battle commanders believed it would be best to leave early before they were noticed, to avoid any awkwardness, or any issues that Reggie the vampyre may or may not bring up. They would have slipped out in secret and in peace the previous night, but most of all were just too tired and too happy to sleep in a bed. To have some warmth, and to not worry about what beast or bastard prowled the night air, ready to kill, steal, and destroy.

So all headed toward the ballroom, as Sir Jonus stood at the right hand of Sir Wallace, his man at arms for the day, with Meister Kevin lagging behind, suffering from a terrible hangover, as a result of the previous night's indulgence. Sir Jonus noticed the sluggish and haggard look in Meister Kevin's gait, and how he grimaced periodically as if someone had jabbed him in the side with some hot irons. Sir Jonus said nothing, yet stole occasional glances at Sir Wallace and Meister Kevin to see if there was going to be any dithering between the two about what happened last night. Obviously, there must have been a reason that Meister Kevin was taking narcos, let it be personal preference, pain that had been undulating throughout Meister Kevin's body, or just a way to forget. Notwithstand his curiosity, Sir Jonus knew not to ask. He may be as thick as a freshly hewn elm, but not too thick to know when to keep his mouth shut.

Instead he just walked in tow with Meister Kevin and Sir Wallace, without a word on his lips nor a thought on his mind. They just walked. For Sir Jonus, the walking was somewhat difficult as the ceilings were much smaller and designed for the average man. Sir Jonus was definitely anything, but average. He was forced to hunk and slump over, rolling his shoulders and bending his thick neck, in order to have something resembling a comfortable walk. Thankfully, as he had heard, the ballroom was massive and wonderfully big enough to fit men ten times as tall as Sir Jonus, and for some time he would be in a place inside that he could feel somewhat comfortable in. The thought warmed Sir Jonus a little and made him want to lift his head high and peace and joy, yet he knew he could not, for fear of damaging Reggie's finally woven tapestries, and his head. So, Sir Jonus continued to slump.

Not five minutes of walking had passed, when they had arrived at the doors that lead to the massive ballroom. Doors that were splayed open in a welcoming manner, with two slaves of the vampyre's own regiment standing at the gateway, halberds in hand, decked out in black in red.

These are not the Squirrels we saw yesterday, thought Sir Jonus, as he turned toward his battle commander and meister. Their faces were the definition of puzzlement as they saw these two new slaves guarding the entrance to the ballroom. In spite of their confusion, they said nothing, preferring to ignore the oddities of the morning and proceeding to walk briskly and quickly within.

It was Sir Jabberjaw who had piped up and made the first query at what was before them and within, with Sir Janice nipping at his heels. "Sir Wallace? Sir? They uh...they prepared us some traveling food, as well as food to break our fast upon." Sir Wallace walked into the ballroom to see the warband mates all within, ready to depart. The Wenches had stationed themselves around Sir Winona, who was eating a red and ripe apple absentmindedly. Sir Wallace nodded toward Sir Jabberjaw and cleared his throat to put everyone at attention. Sir Winona looked up and before he could motion for her to join him, she jumped off the table she had sat upon and walked quickly in his direction.

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