The Past

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"Yaaaah!" yelled a young Daniel as he slides down a slide and landed on the ground.

"Me next! Me Next!" chanted one of his friends as he sat on top of the slide.

Desmond Park. A recently opened park dedicated to Mayor Desmond of the town Eden. The area has a length of 127 acres that consist of: a large swimming pool complex, a wide range of nesting grounds for little animals, a soccer field and a few ponds, and one playground. This playground was the ideal hangout for Daniel and his friends. The three 10 year old boys would always go there after school and enjoy themselves on the playground equipment. Until they were bothered by an unwelcome guest.

"I went down faster that time" laughed Daniel.

"I bet I can slide faster than you" taunted one his friends on top of the slide.

Before Daniel can retorted his friend's claim, he was interrupted by his other friend who was standing beside him.

"Yo Dan? She's back" he said as he pointed towards a young girl sitting on a nearby bench.

Daniel looks at girl and gives her a mischievous look. "Hey Diane, I hear your mommy calling!"

Diane remain still and unfazed by Daniel's attempt at getting her to go away.

"Hey, you know-" whispered one of the boys. "I think she has a crush on Dan"

"Maybe we should leave them alone?" teased the other.

"You assholes! Cut it out." Daniel shouted, with a hint of blush shown on his face. "Take your pigtails and go home, Diane. Nobody wants you here."

Diane was about to say something but instead gripped her dress and sighed to hold in her annoyance. She would often get teased by the boys. Mostly because she was one year younger, they hated her pigtail hair, and a girl that secretly has a crush on Daniel. Every time she does to the playground and sees Daniel, Diane would always sit on the bench by herself. Doing nothing but watch Daniel and his friends play, hoping that one day, Daniel would give her the opportunity to play with them. But on that day everything changed.

"Hello? Little Girl?" A voice is heard, startling Diane that she stood up from the bench. She turns to the side to see a long dressed woman holding a boy by hand approaching her.

"Are you playing alone?" asks the woman.

Diane stared at the woman, surprised that she wants to speak with her. She then noticed the boy and turn her gaze to him. The boy, noticing Diane's stare, quickly hides behind the woman to avoid contact. She looks back at the woman

"Um... no?" Diane responded, unsure how to answer her question.

"It's ok, I can't help but notice you're usually by yourself." the woman said calmly. Sensing that Diane may be nervous, she gives her a warm smile. "But maybe we can help each other out".

The woman pulls the boy behind her, towards Diane. Reaching to grab his left hand and Diane's left hand, she pulled the two together to make them hold hands.

"You look like you could use some friends, so does my son. Play with him for a bit, here". She then reaches in her pocket a huge chocolate bar and gives it to Diane.

Before Diane could say anything, the mother starting waving goodbye as she walked away from them. "Thank you so much. We live close by so I'll be back before it gets dark".

She leaves the two children stunned and surprised. Diane looks at the chocolate. Could it be a reward?

"Hey, give us some chocolate"

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