Writer's Thoughts

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If you made it this far, I would like to personally thank you for giving this story a read. Some feedback would be really appreciative but I do have to throw these things out there and hope you guys read them before offering me feedback.

-This story is a short story that takes place within the same universe on a Paranormal/Supernatural project I'm working on. Hence why the ghoul is in the story. In fact I'm using the short story to give a bit of a background to two possible major characters in that project.

- I don't have a lot of experience for writing, so spelling mistakes and small grammar errors are expected. Also I wrote the short story on my phone and posted it on my phone, so if the story comes up a bit poorly structured, I kind of blame the phone or Google Docs lol.

- I didn't know what genre to put this in, so I decided to go with horror since it was a closest I felt this story could be. If the story doesn't feel horror for you then I apologize.

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