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A full year after the confession and the couple decided to get married. The marriage was private upon Elliot's request. After a couple of weeks, Diane had discovered that she was pregnant. She waited, at their newly purchased home, for her husband to arrive from work to share with him the fantastic news. Thoughts of having a happy family made her feel at peace. But tragedy struck, as Elliot never came home that day. Maybe it was an accident? Perhaps he had been killed? Or abducted? Even though Diane went to the police and tried everything she could to find her husband, it was hopeless. All information about him had disappeared. It was as if he never existed.

Time had passed, the baby had been born and named William. Diane had to drop out of college to get a second job. She had spend most of what she earn on finding her husband, which caused her to be massively in debt. Still Diane held hope that one day her husband would return. Despite others trying to get her to move on.

"! I'm not selling the house." A voice shouted. William, who's was reading a book on the kitchen floor, was startled by the sudden shout. He looks up to see his mother, with her back turned to him, washing the dishes and speaking on the phone.

"There's always a chance for him to come back" Diane argued. "I will get the money, don't worry."

She hangs up the phone and lets out a loud sigh. It's been six years since Elliot's disappearance and it's been nothing but constant stress for Diane. Debts continuing, having to work several jobs everyday, and the thought that her husband is still out there was taking a great toll on her. So much that she decided to take a day off from her jobs. But it was meaningless, for she had to do the things she was not able to do because of work. Things like washing clothes, cleaning the house, and other house chores.

As she continued to wash the dishes, she kept wondering about the lack of money she has to spend for William and herself. Most of the money she earns has been given to the debt that was accumulated. Diane breaks out of her deep thought as she felt something small wrapped around her waist.

"Mommy! I'm hungry!" Diane looks down to see her son. "Is dinner ready yet?"

"In a bit. Just hang on." She sighed as she continued to finish the dishes.

"But Mommy!" William hugs his mother in tighter. "Im hungry!"

"William, please" She shouted, startling the boy enough to let her go. Noticing what she has done, Diane kneeled to her son and gave them a gentle hug. "Look, your mother is very tired. Remember that she has to work every day.

"But Mom, I want to eat." To prevent another weeping session, Diane pauses her chores to prepare a meal for themselves.

Everyday Diane would come home to hear William cry and beg. Constantly clinging to her whenever he can, and refusing to spend a single minute away from his mother's side. But when she tried to explain, give him a reason for not being able to spend much time with her son, William would just ignore it. This puts more pressure on Diane.

After cooking dinner, she sat William down by the living room table and placed all of the cooked food. The boy notice the food and gave a disappointing expression.

"Mommy... fish again?"

"Yes" Diane sighed. "I don't have much money to buy other things. Maybe-"

"But what about pizza?" Diane sat down by the table across from William and place her head down. "What about chicken? Mommy I want chicken!"

Diane quickly slammed her fist on the table, with enough force that almost tip the bowls of cook food.

"Elliot! This is all we have, now stop complaining and eat!." She ordered.

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