Chapter 0 (backround information)

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(Y/n) is a Deitauoge (dee-I-ta-sh) .The are know to be very submissive because they serve Vulcans. When they are born they are promised to a Vulcan and they can not leave the said promise unless the Vulcan they serve, allows them to be free. They cannot disobey a Vulcan that they are connected to because it's know to be very disgraced in their culture. If a Deitauoge disobeys a their Vulcan the revive a shock in their body.
Although this sounds terrible, Vulcans respect the Deitauoge very much. A Vulcan feels obligated to protect the Deitauoge that they were promised. If a Vulcan hurts a Deitauoge then their heads will ring.
Also, if the Vulcan council and the Deitauoge council feel a Vulcan and Deitauoge are not supossed to be in a promise then they can order the Deitauoge to be switched with another.
If a Vulcan or Deitauoge dies then the remaining will be assigned someone new.
  Both species live in peace together and accepts there roles. They have a psychic link which allows them to contact each other and read each-other's thoughts.
Deitauoge tend to have emotion like humans but are incredibly smart. They most commonly have blonde or red hair.The have blue eyes and are smaller and more scrawny then Vulcans. The tallest hight for a woman is 5'4 and the tallest hight for a male is 5'7.

You are 5'1 and have platinum blonde hair. (I just say that to make it easier but you can change your hair to whatever if you want to) You are not very muscular but are very bubbly and have a lively personality.

- okay now time for the actual story... :)

Hope you like the story!!
- Jaylynn

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