Chapter 3

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Standing in the transporter rooms, me and Spock wait for the coordinates. When the come in Spock says "Energize!"
Bright lights swirl around us and I shut my eyes tightly. When I open them we are on the surface of Vulcan. I look for Spock and he signals to follow as he starts to run towards the Arc. I run after him and run behind him. When we arrive we see the Vulcan council and Deitauoge council standing in a circle.
A women then says "Spock?" I look to her and she stares at Spock as he grabs her hand.

I look around the room and spot my Father. He runs to me and I grab his hand.
"We must go the planet is being engulfed in a black hole!" I tell him as Spock says something to the council. I look to the Deitauoge council and motion for them to follow as we run out of the Arc.
I grip my Fathers hand and pull him along. Telepathically I say "it's gonna be okay. We will make it!"
"Yes it will." He replies telepathically

"Beaming up now!" I hear Chekov say through the comms. (The story will be a little different for...reasons😉🤐)

Just then my father lets go of my hand and looks over the edge at the falling world along with Spock's mother. Then I see the cracks through the edge and realize. My father turns around to me and the edge falls. I jump forward, closing my eyes, to try to grab his hand. I feel someone grab my hips and someone else grab my hand.

And then we were on the Enterprise...
I open my eyes to see Spock's mother holding on to my hand. I scan the room frantically looking for my father only to see that he's not anywhere to be seen...

He's gone....

Tears flow from my eyes. I feel the grip on my waist fall off and turn around to see that Spock was standing directly behind me.

I fall to the ground. I had just lost the only Family I had left, the only family or person who ever truest cared. The only one who was ever there for me. I scream out, weeping. I feel the person behind me embrace me. I don't know who it is, but I assume it's Spock's mother.

I can feel there pitiful glares. No one speaks...

*Time skip brought to you by James T. Perfect hair! *

It had been about 2 hours people had come to visit me saying they were sorry for my loss. People told me I was hero. I didn't respond to anyone. I was so mad. I was so upset. I wanted to lay under my covers forever and never leave.

But I knew what my father would say. He would tell me I needed to honor his memory and everyone who lost there life's. I needed to Avenge his death.

I threw my covers off my body and walked out of the room. I walked on to the bridge to see Spock holding Kirk down by the throat. Anger.

Spock glared at him as his eyes rolled back. Realizing he was dying, his father yelled, "Spock!"
He still wasn't letting go, so I said loudly "Spock! Let go!" He then let go. Kirk gasped for air and clutched his chest. Spock looked at the floor. He turned to McCoy but didn't make eye contact.
"Doctor, I have been emotionally compromised and therefore, relinquish command as captain. Note the Star date in the Captains log." And with that he turned towards me and the lift. Walking towards the elevator he stopped right next to me. I looked at him. He didn't look back and just stared in shame at the floor.

"Spock" I whispered only loud enough for him to hear. He just stood there and said "Sorry" then walked past me and into the lift.

"Great going,Kirk!" Bones said sarcastically "We are in the middle of space no orders, and no captain"

I turned to Kirk and said "Not exactly, Pike made Kirk first officer. I was just his fill in till after the Mission."
Kirk smiled at me, "Exactly which makes you my temporary First officer. If you are ready to work, of course!"

" Yeah," I say "I'm ready"

Thanks for reading! I'm really trying to keep up with updating and your supportive comment made me want to write! So, Thank you for the support! I know this one wasn't as long but I'm on my phone write now and it's harder to write with such a small screen. I might update sometime this week, but don't count on it. Anyways, I love y'all and will see you guys in the next chapter! ❤️❤️❤️

~JD 😜

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