Chapter 5

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Just a bit of epic music for this chapter. Sorry I haven't been updating.
Okay, enjoy the chapter! Love y'all ❤️❤️

Coming up to the bridge I heard Bones ask a young yellow shirt what his age was.

"17, sir" he said proudly.

Bones looked to the captain saying "17, oh great." Just then I heard the turbolift doors open (thanks @amena_ruqya for help with the terminology) only to see Spock walk in.

"He is correct captain. I calculated the trajectory myself." I stared into those chocolatey brown eyes, he so hot.

Wait, what did I just say?!

Well actually you thought it.

Same difference! Why dose it even matter!

Well if I don't correct it some smartbutt kid will correct me in the comments.

Comments? Kids? What?!

Oh Shizz! Nothing!

My thoughts were disrupted by a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Uhura with a concerned look on her face.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah why" I replied in a nonchalant tone.
" You were out of it." I realized that I was staring intently at Spock.

I'm such a dumba*s! She probably saw me staring at her boyfriend! Oh my god shes gonna hate me! What do I do! Why do I have to have feelings! Why can't I be more like Vulcans and suppress all my feelings down! gah I hate this why do I do this to my self! I'm such a friken mess!!

Woah, chill the hell out. Your over thinking it. I mean even if she hates your guts and wants you to burn in hell for looking at he boyfriend and basically drooling over him, you'll at least not have to worry about hurting her feelings when you steel her mans. (;

What!? Steel her mans!?

*Cough cough*  foreshadowing

"Since Vulcans and romulan share similar biology then it is most logical that I come." Spock said

"Alright Spock you're coming."  Kirk said "everyone stay on the ship."

No way are they going without me. I need revenge and I am going to get it. It's Nero's fault that my last family member is dead. I will be the one to avenge my fathers death.

"I'm coming too!" I said walking up to Kirk standing in front of Spock.
"No your not." Spock's voice said behind me. I could feel the shocks start as I whipped my head around to him and stared at him.
"Yes, I am." I spoke bravely the pain started to become more intense.
"No you're not" he said louder and more commanding. I could feel that everyone was uncomfortable with this as most people do when the see a deitouge and a Vulcan fighting.
"It's not your decision commander!" I said quietly but sternly. For a moment his eyes flickered and changed. They were human. But as soon as his human side came, it left.

I turned to the captain.
"What do you say, Captain?" I pleaded him with my eyes and it worked because he then said "I don't have a problem with it."
The pain subside.I could feel the stare of the crew as I turned back to Spock and smiled knowing I won.
"Captain it is illogical for (y/n) to come as she has no specific skill that qualifies her to come."

Ugg I hate men sometimes...

I know it's a weird place to leave this story but I wanted to get a chapter out this was all I had done and exams are coming up, so I probably won't have time to update until Christmas break. Sorry it's been so long and thank you for your patience with this story. Also I'm giving shout outs to people who have read the story and actively comment. I love reading constructive criticism so feel free to leave that is a comment. If you have any suggestions on what you think should happen the please leave a comment. ALSO check out my update book on my profile, I'll be posting monthly updates on my different books. To support me it would be great if you followed me and voted for this book. (U don't have to but it would be nice to know people enjoyed my book). Thanks once again and good luck on exams!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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