Gone part 2

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Natalie's pov

I started to walk to Maggie when Billie left and she hugs me letting me cry for abit
MAGGIE: We can talk about it if you want when you are ready
ME: Okay but could you come to my bus alone?
MAGGIE: Of course
ME: Thank you

We left the airport and I'm unpacking now when I hear
" I came to visit Natalie "
Maggie is here
I walked to the kitchen section and we both sat down ready to talk
MAGGIE: What did you see the other night?
ME: Billie had red eyes and pointy teeth and was eating a rabbit,...
MAGGIE: How do you feel?
ME: Scared,sad,confused,...
MAGGIE: You kinda know our secret now so there is no point in hidding it from you, we are vampires
ME: ...
MAGGIE: It's okay we can give you space to take it all in if you want
ME: No it's okay but why didn't she tell me?
MAGGIE: She was scared that you would leave her if you knew
ME: But it still isnt okay that I had to find out that way
MAGGIE: Yes I know I wouldn't like it that way too but when you come around we can all talk together about it there is alot to talk about now
ME: Okay
MAGGIE: I will be going now and If you want time to yourself I can tell them that you are sick and can't dance so you can have some days for yourself
ME: Thank you that would be great
MAGGIE: No problem at all, bye
ME: Bye Maggie

Billie's pov

Mom is with Natalie now talking to her and I hope everything goes well.

I'm on my bed when my mom comes into my room

MOM: I talked to Natalie
ME: And?
MOM: She knows that we are vampires and she said she wants to be alone for some time so I told everyone that she's sick and won't be dancing
ME: So she's ignoring me
MOM: No she just needs time to come around and when she does she agreed  to have a chat with all of us.
ME: Atleast she wants to chat
MOM: Don't worry she will come around
ME: I hope so I can't be without having her near me it hurts me
MOM: I know but everything will be fine you will see, a few concerts will be without her and when she's fine she will come to us.


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