Trouble in paradise part 2

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Billie's pov

I'm a mess and I've been since I found out I'm sad,angry and worried that they will do something to her we will be in new york in 6 hours and all I wish is to hold her in my arms when I arrive but that won't happen we don't know where they took her we will have to go look all around new york and around for her in groups so we can find her sooner and when we do we will call everyone else and her mom will be in the hotel for her safety.

6 hours later

We are at our hotel now and me and my mom decided to go look for her or anything that would lead to her.
We were looking for the rest of the day and all trough the night and nothing we got nothing at all I'm devastated

5 days later

Everyday we were looking for her and we couldn't find anything yet.

Me and my mom are now looking all around the forest areas we searched the whole town already so now its this area to look and I hope she will be here somewhere the forest is huge.

Me and my mom were probably searching for 5 hours already and it's dark outside already. I saw something glowing from the corner of my eye and I ask myself whats this and mom looks where I'm looking and I walk to it.
Some weight from my shoulders left
" It's Natalies she lost it she was here we need to go fast call the others"

We started to run in our speed and the others joined us one by one we have some other vampires helping us too. There it was an old creepy house and I started to listen closely if someone was speaking and they were thats them for sure but I couldn't hear my baby at all.

"They are here do we just barge in or what?"

" There is a secret door to go inside I still remember" one of the vampires said

" Lead the way "

We slowly without a sound went to the back of the house and there were some doors in the ground that opens up and we went in closing behind us.
She lead us up into the main areas of the house and we follow the voices.

I couldn't believe what I saw my baby was on the floor lying without moving and barely breathing and I lost it the anger I felt in that moment I never felt it before my eyes were pitch black  and everyone looked at me shocked and I launch towards them ripping heads of one by one having no mercy whatsoever the sight of my girlfriend lying on the floor almost death send me over the line even I was scared of myself and what I became in that moment I never want her to see me that way never but now I didn't care I was fighting for her and everyone with me helping me I wasn't gonna stop till all of them are gone I swear I wont and I didn't I fought like never before.
I'm done, they are done heads and hearts everywhere I rushed to Natalie and carry her out so she doesn't see this when she wakes up.

I sat outside and put my babes head in my lap and I bite my wrist so my blood came out.

" Babe please drink" No response

" drink, you have to drink it will heal you please, I know it won't taste good but please come back to me"
no response.
I start to cry all over again and I put my head on hers and start to wisper repeadly "please, please, please"

" Billie "
I lift my head up and there she is looking at me weak and with tiny eyes but she's back she's here!

" Drink my blood please it will heal you " I bite my wrist again because it already healed and I put my wrist to her lips. She started to suck but she made a face that it wasn't good but she still took abit more from me and when she finished my mom gave her a bottle of juice and she drank half of it, damn my baby was thirsty she's probably hungry too and in need of a good bath and sleep.
I standed up and she tried too but she was still weak and she started to fall down but I catch her before she hit the floor. I lift her up and carry her bridal style to our hotel we thanked the other vampires for helping us and I went inside putting my princess on our bed and I start to make our bath ready.

" Babe the bath is ready can I carry you in?"
" Yes I can't walk and take my clothes off please "

I did what she said and I set her in and I went in after her giving her a massage and washing her while she is leaning back on me with closed eyes just enjoying.

FINNEAS: Food is here
ME: Okay we will come to your room
He left and I slowly washed the shampoo of her hair and rinse her and my body and I took her out of the bath dressing both into a robe and just putting on underwear on us. I pick her up and I locked our hotel room behind us and when I came to Finneases room I knock with my foot so he can open the doors.

FINNEAS: Take whatever you want theres plenty of food for us
ME: What do you want babe?
NATALIE: Doesn't matter just get me alot I'm starving
I put her plate infront of her and mine on the side so I can cuddle her from behind.

15 minutes later

NATALIE: Can we go I want to go to sleep
ME: Of course we can go

I pick her up said good night to everyone and we left.
I put her into the bed and go back to lock our doors and head to bed but shes already out so I slowly take the robe of her so she can sleep better and I take mine off too and put both of them on the chair and turned off the light and I gently cuddle her not wanting to hurt her and I fall asleep not long after.


If you notice any mistake in spelling please tell me so I can write it correct

Eternal Love // Billie Eilish gxg / completedWhere stories live. Discover now