Under attack

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It's 11 in the morning and we have to go to the mall to buy everything for them and then I will lock myself in with them till the attack starts. I hope nothing gets broken inside the house if they decide to go look inside because its a new house.

We are finally home putting away the things into the safe area when my mom rushes in


NATALIES MOM: What's happening?!
BILLIE: Don't go out of these rooms okay?
BILLIE: Will you explain everything to her?
NATALIE: Yes sure
BILLIE: Please stay here, both of you
NATALIE: We will don't worry, stay safe please.
BILLIE: Don't worry about me.
I grab her face and give her a long kiss.

Natalies pov

MOM: What's happening?
NATALIE: We are being attacked
MOM: Omg why ?
NATALIE: Sit down
MOM: Okay
NATALIE: Don't freak out but Billie and her family are vampires and I am Billies mate and because I am a human they are after me to kill me because having a human mate isn't allowed for them anymore thats also why they asked us to move in with them so they can protect us because there we wouldn't be safe at all you don't have to be scared of them they wont hurt you and they don't feed on living things they are the good ones
MOM: I always imagined that they exist only in movies but why isn't it allowed?
NATALIE: When Billies parents were younger it was still allowed and her dad was a human and vampires can't give birt so she got a surogate, then humans and vampires got into a fight and Maddie had to change all of them so they wouldnt kill them.
MOM: I feel sorry for them it was probably hard for them they were only kids
NATALIE: Yeah somehow Billie was 17 when she got turned
MOM: But she's 17 now
NATALIE: Yeah they don't age, she is 17 for 170 years now
NATALIE: Yeah but now we have to be  quiet vampires can hear us talking they have good hearings

We stay silent when we hear banging at our door. Me and mom looked at eachother scared to death not knowing who it is.
I fast unlocked the doors and Billie locked it with her speed.
BILLIE: I'm not strong enough
NATALIE: What do you mean?
BILLIE: I'm too weak I'm a newbie I don't have enough strenght
NATALIE: Are you okay? Are the others okay? How many of them are outside?
BILLIE: Yeah I'm okay just weak, yes they are stronger than the others,at the beggining there was 7 of them now its only 3 left.
NATALIE: Good that they are safe
BILLIE: And we will change the papers to your mom she will be the owner of this house because if the owner is a vampire other vampires can come in but if it's a human they can't without the permission if you are okay with this?
NATALIES MOM: Yes I'm fine with that
BILLIE: Great, and don't invite anyone in except us okay? once you do they can have access to the house anytime and we will have to kill that one.
BILLIE: It's all quiet I think they are done we will just wait to get the signal 
NATALIE: Mom knows
BILLIE: What did she say?
NATALIE: She's okay with it I think
BILLIE: You have a good mom
BILLIE: You two will stay here until the house is in your moms name okay?
NATALIE: Will you stay here with me?
BILLIE: Of course I will
NATALIE: Thank you
BILLIE: Come here
She huged me and then mom came back
NATALIES MOM: Hi Billie, is everything okay now
BILLIE: I think so we are waiting for a signal from them

Billies pov

I rushed outside when my mom shouted that they are here and we all waited for them to come near and when they did we all ran towards eachothers and started to fight.
One by one was falling down my parents really are good at fighting but I slowly started to get weaker and weaker not being able to protect myself anymore my dad noticed and shouted at me
I springed into the house and started to bang on Natalies doors but she didn't open she probably thought it was a vampire so I shouted
She opened the doors and I locked them back to protect them.

We talked for abit when my ears pick up a voice
" It's done Billie" It's moms
I open the door and I walked out
"We are safe you can come out if you want" I said to Natalie and her mom and they went out with me.
When we came into the kitchen Natalie ran to my family hugging them and asking if they were okay and everyone said yes.
It's so nice to see them that way and really liking eachother it means alot to me that the most important people in my life get along.
FINNEAS: What about a movie marathon after we shower?
NATALIE: I would love too I need to take my mind of everything can we watch it in the safe section?
FINNEAS: Yes we can no problem.

1 hour later

Everyone is showered now and we are all seated in our home theatre with food and drinks and Natalie is cuddled into me already drifting to sleep.
ME: Do you want to go to sleep?
I picked her up and told everyone that we are going to sleep


Shit went down pretty fast in this one

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