Letter from Me.

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Dear self,

I'm sorry. Sorry that while your crown is falling you fix others. Sorry that when your smile is chipped and eyes are glazed you grin and laugh. You reached out and no one grabbed you. I'm sorry that while you heal their wounds and whisper kind words they stab and let you bleed. Sorry to those night you cry yourself asleep or wake up with a jolt. Sorry that you walk everyday in fear. But mostly sorry that they didn't see past your charade.

For one day your mask is going to crack under the pressure. You'll be bare and that is your worst fear. The world will see how scarred and ugly you really are. The bathroom isn't your safe space because they'll see the smudged mascara. They'll see weakness and become worried. Not worried for or about you. But worried to be around you.

Dear self I'm sorry. I let you down inside. We thought fixing other would fix you but the truth is, it distracted you. The only time you realize your drowning is late at night. Alone. In the dark with nothing to listen to but your thought.


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