Geldis x Reader

398 9 2

I know I've been focusing on Dark Elves lately, I'm sorry bout that,  I'll try to come up with different character that's not a Dark Elf next.

I sat down, exhausted, at the Retching Netch. I saw a Dark Elf go behind the counter.

"Hello, miss. What can I get for you today? Our specialty of the house right now is my famous Sujamma." The elf had a thick Solstheim accent.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'll have that, please."

"You seem tired. Would you like to rest here? You don't have to pay for one night because you seem...interesting." I blushed a little.

"I-Interesting..?" I repeated. He smiled sweetly.

"Yep! But, really, you can have the best room. I'll allow you." I smiled tiredly.

"Okay, I'll take it." I yawned, and then fell asleep. the Inn owner chuckled. He picked me up, then went to the finest room. He gently set me down on the soft bed, then looked at me for a good while. 

"Y/n...? That can't be you..." I opened my eyes, seeing the elf.

"Your name isn't Y/n, now, is it?" My eyes widened.

"Wait,'re...Geldis.... I thought-"

"So many people said you died..." He engulfed me in a hugged, making me lay back on plenty of fluffy pillows. I hugged him back, snuggling into his neck.

"Why did people think I died..?" I asked, ruffling his hair.

"Well, you just...disappeared." He whispered. I didn't realize he was crying until I felt a drop of warm tears on my arm.

"It's okay,..." He snuggled into me, then smiled. I felt him flip me, so I was on top of him. I smiled.

"I missed you."I heard him say. I blushed.

"I missed you too. How long has it been? Fifteen years?" I was cut off by him placing his lips on mine.  I froze up. He smirked. I blushed more, then kissed him back.

"I love you, sweet love." I smiled.

"I love you too, Sujamma smelling elf."

aw hecc this was short.... :( 318 words

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