Chapter 2: Error has appeared!

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Error's POV

    I decided after I watched a bit of UnderNovela in my anti-void, I'd go back to see if Nightmare needed me.

   Guess what I found instead.

   Cross. In the living room. How'd he get a soul? Doesn't matter. Of course I get enraged. "wHAt iS THiS aNOmAly dOInG HEre?!"

   "Oh come on! I came here expecting freedom, and ERROR'S here! Why me?!" Cro- no. The glitch yelled.

   "Give me back my soul!" "cOMe AnD geT It tHeN!" I yelled at him.

   I pull his soul out of the anti-void and throw it up in the air. Everyone else was just watching. I saw Horror grab some popcorn, but we all know it has blood in it.

   After a while of us fighting, he spawns a huge knife. Then, he cuts my strings, granting him access to his soul. "c-cRaP!" I was about to steal it again, when Nightmare walked in.

   "Error. That is enough. Let him have his soul. He's on our side now, so I suggest..." His eye widens and an insane smile creeps onto his face. "You treat him with as much respect as you do me." "fINe... whAtEVeR..." I growl as I walk out.

   I thought I heard Nightmare ask him if he was alright. He NEVER cares about anyone! I know its not just because he's new... Nightmare didn't do that to any of us! There must be SOMETHING about this anomaly that interests him. Maybe it's his power to control people. His Overwrite? That child possessing him? No, I doubt he knows about the human.

   I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize I was already in my room. "I NEeD tO CLeAr mY mINd," I mumble to myself. That's when the voices start up again. "Do you think Nightmare has a crush on Cross?" "nO, hE CaN'T fEEl tHAt EMOtiOn." "Maybe he's trying to get Cross to WANT to be his servant. I mean, he's technically still not evil. He still has mercy." "Maybe. I aDMit, He dOes seEM sTRonG. BuT stILl, i DoN'T thINk hE's Of aNy wORtH."
Then I realize this is what I was trying to clear mt mind of. "AGh! lEAvE mE alONe!" I yell at them. Then, it finally gets quiet.

   I laid there and tried to think of something else to take my mind off of it, but to no avail. So, I just decided to go to Outertale. I love seeing the stars. They calm me down, so I haven't destroyed the AU.

   I open the portal and walk through it. I sit down on top of a building, out of sight. This is where I usually go nowadays. The reason is because someone saw me once, and tried to attack me for no reason. So now I stay out of sight.

   That's when I hear footsteps. "Hey, Error. What's on your mind? You only come here when something happens that's... 'Out of This World.' Hehe." Outertale Sans, obviously. He's pretty much my only friend. He found my hiding place a long time ago. I could care less 'TIBIA' honest.

   He then proceeds to walk up to me. I sigh and turn around to face him. "it'S NOtHinG yOU NEed tO wORrY ABoUt. I CAmE hERe To fOrGEt iT, nOT TeLl yOu," I growl at him. "Ya need a massage?" he asked me. "dUDe! WHat tHE hECk?! YoU kNoW i HaVE hApHePhObIa!" I yell at him. "I know. I was just joking. Mind if I sit with you?" "sURe, wHAteVeR..."

   So we just sit there, look at the stars, and throw puns back and forth after that.

Crossmare (Sanscest) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now