back to murder

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Daves pov

I waited for old sport in the saferoom i remembered the words from henry when he was alive "listen william honesty is a one way gate to hell especially when your lieng about murder" that was the best day ever we killed 100,000 people in that building oh the memeories. Welp at least i can make new memories with sportsy but how am i supposed to get him off my mind i really dont understand
And its haunting me. I want henry to get out of my mostly empty mind. Maybe talking to the love of my life will take him off my mind, i love everything about my little sportsy he is the best thing i had ever came across.

Old sports pov
I walked into the saferoom and imidiantly hug dave with my small but loving arms. I just love him. I feel his big arms wrap around me as i felt like i was the safest thing ever. I cant lie when i say i love him. I couldnt wait to kill again ok i know i said i wasnt ever going back to that but cmon its dave i love him and he loves me. And plus we havent killed in what feels like forever so why not. I tell him my great but mischievous plan about killing kids and he gives me this big grin. Hes so cute when hes like this

Daves pov
Hearing sportsy actually want to kill makes my heart skip a beat i swear he said he was done and hoped i was to but oh well doesnt hurt to kill just a few more kids right...

dave x old sport: We Live, We Love, We LieWhere stories live. Discover now