1st few kids

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Narrators pov

The next day had soon arrived as quick as a lightning bolt, both dave and old sport had arrived at the location for what seemed like the 500th time to them, but nethertheless both had loved it just to see each other one more day, dave had actually arrived earlier than usual to tamper with the animatronics whilst old sport was still at home watching his favourite tv show spongebob, now you dont question why jacks favourite tv show was spongebob but it just is anyways, dare had soon finished tampering with the animatronics and put his equipment back where it came from (which was in the saferoom duh) and soon came out the saferoom but Asoon as he came out he was immediately startled "Ah shit!" Dave had shouted scared out of his skin "uh sorry to scare you dave, uh didn't see you there" the phone headed man had said, dave looked as if he questioned phone guys existence which makes sense, "you OK dave you look like you seen a ghost" phone guy stuttered this made dave look even more confused "a ghost you mean you because you scared the life out of me phone face how do you even exist?" The aubergine asked "ummm uhh that, thats not a question to ask d-dave" Steven stammered, dave just gave him a really face and walked off, soon old sport arrived at the location clearly looking for dave, he looked around for his purple partner and apon looking for him he found dave in the dining area next to the showstage "davey!" Old sport ran as fast as the wind could carry except there was no wind clearly, old sport Hugged dave lovingly and kissed his cheek a thousand times before letting go.

Daves pov

I felt hands wrapping around me as I was thinking about how to kill a kid today I realised the arms where orange I instantly knew who it was and a smile plastered its way onto my purple skinned face, I blushed realising he was kissing my cheek over and over making me smile with happiness, I giggle at this and push him playfully for him to stop as adorable as it is we need to get this kid murder done because o can't wait a second without thinking of grasping a a tiny child by there weak neck and strangling them till there entire face becomes as purple as my skin. I tell old sport about the plan and so it sets in stone, going over it a couple times to make sure it gets stained into his cute brain and we soon set course for the first few kids thus far,

Nobody's pov

Dave and old sport look at each other with euphoria as dave rushes off to get the suits ready to be springlocked at the touch of a child, even the strongest can't survive the deadliest of spring locks aside from dave and old sport.....somehow anyways after dave sets the suits off to be springlocked he decides to check on old sport "have you done it yet, old sport" dave asked with excitement coursing through his nonexistent veins, he earned a sigh from the orange male "no i have not dave give me a couple minutes" old sport shakes his head and the aubergine leaves the room for old sport to lure the kids, a little more than 5 minutes passed and dave becomes impatient so he decides to check on him again "anything yet?" The aubergine asks "no not yet give it time dave" he chuckles and the aubergine sighs "fine...fine ill help KIDDIES IF YOU WANT FREE ICECREAM AND DICK COME TO THE SAFEROOM I SWEAR PAPA JHONS NOT THERE!" Dave screamed at the children and soon more than 20 children came rushing into the saferoom "dave? How?" Old sport asked "oh its nothing but a little trickery" he laughs and heads to the saferoom holding the door for old sport, they soon shut the door and dave grabbed what looked to be a string on 12 inch sausages "just your average sex utensils" he jokes as he begins to strangle the first kid, old sport facepalmed at that statement but helped him anyway, soon they were done and they stuffed them in suits and springlocked them, blood pouring everywhere dave scooped some up with his finger and licks it "fresh and tastey" he smiled psychopathically as he kissed old sport.

Daves pov

I decided to kiss oldsport in hopes to make him forget what his eyes had just witnessed, tho I don't think he really cares and thats what I love about him to be honest hes the best thing thats ever happened to me ever and I'm very grateful for that, we decided to head home for the day since its nearly the end of our shift, i smile with glee and joy because I realise the next day will be amazing since old sport is going to be there, I just hope that Henry is gone forever i can't stand it anymore so I tell old sport I have to leave early and I go home, open the door and plop on the couch crying into my pillow 'what if its as bad as I thought, what if Henry isn't dead and what will happen to my precious sportsy!' I start to think to deeply as I get more and more scared of what could happen, then suddenly I remembered the event a while ago when henry had taken over old sport and hurt.... I can't think of that i must forget it ever happened just once....I think of the good old days with henry when the circus was still around and fredbears was becoming established oh the golden days when everything was simple....but now I look back he....he was only using me as a puppet, a useless puppy for him to play his games I begin to cry harder as the tears stream down my lifeless eyes realising the damage that had been done.....I nearly lost old sport.....

dave x old sport: We Live, We Love, We LieWhere stories live. Discover now