Massacre Part 1

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Celia Would be playing with Her dog then her doorbell rang

Celia: "huh who could that be?" She walked over and opened it a lady in all black

Lady: "Your attendance will be greatly appreciated" she hands Celia the note

Celia: "umm ok weirdo?" She shut the door and sat on her couch and started to read "Note: you may have not seen me in a few months but I assure you everything is fine I wanted to invite you to an estate that I have acquired from a distant relative I have never met but have heard of the only way that you can come to the state is if you dress of an era of your choosing modern-day items will not be allowed and my automobile and the house will not appear to you hope to see you there

Love James

Everyone arrived in a big mansion

Becky: "I'm Becky and im the exotic dancer

Ghost: "I'm Ghost and I'm The investigator"

Gabriella: "I'm Gabriella and im the assassin"

Jo Jo: "I'm JoJo and im the Pin-Up Boy"

Celia: "I'm Celia and im The Fortune teller "

Ben: "I'm Ben and im the Professor"

Jacob: " I'm Jacob and im the outlaw"

Sam: "I'm Sam and im the athlete"

Patty: "I'm Patty and im the Super Spy"

Destorm: and I'm Destorm and im the Streetfighter

Everyone would be talking and the maid would hand everyone drinks
Women would walk down the stairs
Everyone would stop talking and looked at her

Women: Hi and welcome

Gabriella and Jojo: "where is James?"

Women: "He will turn up but i wanted to introduce you to the staff"

Gabriella CF: "she is like James will turn up but i came here for the food"

Women: "meet Alice my niece and Caroline, my maid"

CeliaCF: "im more concerned about James"

Women: "ok have fun and I'll see you in a bit" she walked off so did the maid

Everyone was talking and drinking there drinks Celia, Ben and Ghost were talking near a painting

Celia: " So what do you, Ben?"

Ben: "well im a professor as you can see and what are you?" He seemed interested

Celia: "im a fortune teller I can see the future and-"

Ben: " I know what a fortune teller is"

Ghost: "Then why ask you dumb ass" Ghost walked away

Ben rolled his eyes Jojo, Gabriella, Jacob, and Patty we're upstairs

Jacob: "So what are you guys?"

Gabriella: "I'm an assassin if you want someone to die and you don't want to get your hands dirty pay me"

Jacob: "ohhh i really don't need it im the outlaw and i ride solo"

Jojo walked over to a book that was open to a page

Jojo: "Hey you guys there is something wrong"
They walked over to the book

Patty: "What does it say???"

Jacob: "i don't know but let's show the others"

Gabriella: "Ok"

Jacob picked up the book and they headed downstairs

Patty: "Hey guys we found a book"

Everyone walked over to them

Jojo: "it says book: Long ago a family of murders was killing and murdering people left and right they loved the blood of there enemies and continued to reak Havoc over anyone who tried to put them away one day they were banished by the owner of this estate but now they are ready to play again"

Patty:" Well Damn"

Jojo CF: " I don't know what is going on i did not leave my home for this bull shit"

Ben: "so what now?"

Alice walked over to them

Alice: "it's time to go follow me"? They all followed her to the ballroom it was dark
Gabriella: " why is it dark?"

Ben: "i don't know??"! The lights would turn on and they would see blood on the walls and a dead body on the stage

Everyone screamed

Alice: " calm down let me check who it is" she walked closer and closer and turned the body over it was......

Alice: "im sorry it's......."

To Be Continued

Escape the Night book 1 Where stories live. Discover now