The Undead Bride

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3 Weeks before The guests arrived
a woman just got married and her husband and herself were driving To there home but it was a big storm they stopped in front of the estate

Bride: "No I want to go home!"

Husband: "I'm sorry I don't want this either let's just Wait for the storm to end"

Bride: "Fine" she rolled her eyes

As they both ran into the house wet

Husband: "I'll look for some towels" he walked away

The Bride heard a noise and followed (she is blonde btw) until she reached the backyard

Bride: "anyone there? Hello?" She walked up to a bouquet "what is this?" She picked it up and she Started to drop to the ground and she screamed

Present day

Ghost: "Ok so we have to kill someone to get an artifact?"

Jacob: "Yup as we saw with Patty"

Ghost: "That's bullshit"

Sam: "Damn well we have to do it or we all stay here until the Sorceress kill us all"

Celia: "yeah she is right"

Jo Jo: "Ok so what is next

Gabriella: " we find out what that scream was"

SamCF: "I really hope it's not what I think it is"

Celia would be shuffling her cards

Destorm: "Umm Celia?"

Celia: "yes" she said while shuffling her cards

DeStorm: "we have work to do"

Celia: "Ik but we don't know what to do" she stopped shuffling

A man with ripped clothes ran into the room

Alice walked up to him "Sir are you ok?" She said

???: "help me she is going to kill me"

Alice: "who is going to kill you"

Out of nowhere, a zombie in a wedding dress comes from a door on there right

JojoCF: "So this Lady comes in with a cute ass dress"

She runs and Grabs Ben and drags him away

Ben: "ahhhh help me"

Becky: " Soooo do we help him or Nah"

Ghost: "No we let him die" he said with sarcasm

She rolled her eyes

Becky: "I was just asking damn"

Ghost CF: "im surrounded by dumbasses"

Ghost: "Ok can we start looking now?!"

Sam: "Ok hold your horses"

Everyone starts to look around

Jojo: "I don't see anything"

Jacob: "yea me neath-"

A zombie comes in and takes Jacob

Jacob: "Nooo let me go" he gets dragged away

Jojo CF: "I kinda feel bad for Jacob hah sike nope!"

Gabriella would be looking and she almost tripped but she found a chest

Gabriella: "guys I found a chest"

Sam: "is there anything On it"

Gabriella: "no just a code"

Escape the Night book 1 Where stories live. Discover now