Massacre Part 2

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Alice turned over the: "I'm sorry It's James"

Everyone: "OMG!!!!"

Becky: "Hell No" she tried to run out but a family started to chase them

Alice: "Run guys Run!!!!"

Everyone started to run and some people ran out of the ballroom and some stayed the Mom chased Ghost but she could not catch him

Ghost, Gabriella, JoJo, Ben, and DeStorm ran into the House and Alice fought off the dad and the son

The daughter tried to grab Becky

Becky: "Nope!!" She ran

Alice punched the dad in his face and the dad feel on the son and everyone else followed Alice inside they all ended up in a Lounge

Ben: "this is Nice i would love it more but we have a Crazy killer family" they all sat down

Celia: "ok what now a family tried to kill us and we are trapped here"

Alice: "I have to show you something"

Jo Jo CF: "what do this women have to show us now?!"

Alice walked behind her desk and she grabbed a Note

Alice: "Here" she handed it to Celia

Celia: "Ok I'll read then note: " If you are reading this that means I have failed I'm probably dead or trapped somewhere and that means that the Sorceress has been set free to wreak havoc over anyone who stands in her way she needs eight blood sacrifices to go to the modern world but that's not all she needs he needs a artifacts each artifact is going to cost a life in a death-defying challenge only one of your friends will return but this is the only way that you could defeat her do not let her get her hands on the 8th artifacts that you have worked so hard for I hope no one has to read this and no one has to go through this but if you are reading it good luck you'll need it!" 

Patty: "Wow!!"

Ghost: "So we are basically killing each other"?

Patty: " Yeah we have to do it or we will be stuck here"

Becky: "So what now?!"

Alice: "we have to take down the family but the only way to do that is we must kill one of them"

Becky: "WHAT!!!?"

Ghost: "I'm down let's do it!"

Jacob CF: "We about to kill someone im really excited"

Alice: " ok we need to look for three things Salt, A Knife, and, Holy water"

Jo Jo: "ate that right"

Ben: "ok let's look"

Everyone started to look around

Celia looked behind a chair

Celia: "Found one" she picked up the salt and put it on the table

Jacob: " Good job" they could to look 

Gabriella tripped and fell and she found the knife

Gabriella: "Found the knife" she took it and put it next to the salt

Becky: "I don't see anything???"

Ghost looked at the Fireplace really closely

Ghost CF: "im look at the fireplace i think i see something"

He got closer and found a holy water 

Ghost: "Found the last one!!"

Jo Jo: "good job"

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