A Knights sacrifice

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YEARS Before the guests arrived

There was a man running through the first from something he came across the house he ran inside and felt a sigh of relief

Man: "yes im safe! From them" then he heard a noise at the door he looked at it with fear he walked slowly towards the door closer and closer and he finally reached the door and he opened it and...........

He saw a sword

Man: "wah-" then someone in armor comes behind him grabs the sword "N-No, please!!!!!" And stabbed him in the chest

Present day

Sam: " I can't believe that Becky is dead!"

Jojo: " She Didn't really help So not really sad"

Sam looked at Jojo "how could you say that? she was a person"

Gabriella: " She was a rude person and she did nothing"

Jacob: "Damn That was cold"

Gabriella: Just be grateful that i saved you"

Ghost: "Can we start looking now?"

DeStorm: "we don't know what we are looking for dude"

Ghost: "That is why we need to look dumbass"

DestormCF: "He needs to shut up"

Alice: "I need to Show you guys something"

Jojo CF: "I'm over with looking for things because we all know that Someone is going to die"

Alice gives them a Paper

Ghost: "ok what is this" he starts to read the note: "To become a Knight you must give honor, sacrifice, and loyalty The war is coming be ready to be chosen You will defend your Nation sign The ballot Good luck"

Jojo: " Umm fight for our nation???"

Gabriella: "Read what is in red"

Sam: "Ok Fight for your nation"

Jacob: "What does that mean??"

Celia: "maybe-"

CeliaCF: "Out of nowhere we heard gunshots"

Everyone: "OMG!!!!"

Alice: "Calm down follow me" she walked out of the room as the guest quickly followed her

Celia: "Please tell me that That im, not the only one who heard that"

Alice LED them to a room with a chest it had a note on it

Jacob: "Guys there is a chest and a note"

Celia: "ok let me read it note: " what's in this box will lead you to a war that you will understand soon use it"

Ghost: "Ok let's do this" he opened the chest and grabbed a little light thing

Ben: " What is that?"

Destorm: "I don't know but we are about to find out"

The light shined and gave them a trail on the floor

Alice: "We must follow the trial"

Ghost would be front-and-center and they will be following behind him

Jojo CF: "I don't know what is going to happen im kinda scared"

They ended up on the porch once they open the doors a knight in red armor and a knight in white armor came from two sides and stood before us

Escape the Night book 1 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ