Clarification here, if you want, you can skip!

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Okay, this is just a little bit of things I would like to clarify here! Please keep in mind, that this is my first story ever! Just wanted that to be the first thing here. The second thing, when I have, what is known as: "Writters block" I will first, go to you lovelies and ask you for a plot. But please, also, keep this in mind, I don't want to sound anything like a demanding person, but I would really appreciate it if you could have the plot that you give me, follow with the story line. Trust me, I am one for random, but I would just like it if you would have it follow the plot. Finaly, the last serious thing here, I will definitely put disclaimers on the top of the stories for you sensitive souls! I have read stories that do not have disclaimers in their stories, and let me tell you, it isn't a pretty sight. But I promise you, that I WILL have those disclaimers and trigger warnings. Then, here is the less serious things:

(y/n)= Your name

(l/n)= your last name

(y/n/n)= Your nick name

(y/f/s)= Your favorite song

(y/f/a)= Your favorite artist

(y/f/c)= Your favorite color

(y/f/a)= Your favorite animal (If you have one)

That's it lovelies! I think? If I have anything else, then I will rush over to alert you. Now, I'm off to make the first ever story of this! I'll catch ya' on the flip side. Love ya' lovelies!

~Jevie :D

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