Chapter 3: Your introduction

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(Thomas's P.O.V)

I woke up this morning, but I felt different. I felt, more happy and giddy. I felt like I had butterflies in my . But, over all, it felt new. I have never felt like this before. But it felt GREAT! I walked downstairs and saw everyone sitting downstairs. They all greeted me and I smiled back.

"Woah there, what's got you in a good mood today, Thomas?" Roman asked me.

"Well, I don't know? I feel like, a million more times happy! I know I'm normally in a grumpy mood when I wake up, but I guess today I feel, new I guess?" I explain.

"Well, I have butterflies in my stomach, I feel extremely happy, I feel like I'm on cloud nine!" I exclaim. A few seconds after my outburst, the room starts to turn pink. We hear a big BOOM coming from upstairs. The living room along with the rest of the house starts to smell like cinnamon, vanilla, and chocolate. Just then, the room had this pink smoke around it and then, next to Virgil's room, a pink door appeared. It was covered in stickers or different colored hearts, and pictures of all of us, including Alex.

"W-what was t-t-that?" I whisper. We all hesitate to get up and walk over. When we do, the aura around it made me smile, all of us.

"Why are you guys smiling?" I ask them. We all start to giggle and laugh, still smiling. Virgil snaps out of that trance and looks at the door. It smelled of all good things like flowers, vanilla, chocolate, and cinnamon. The door also had a perfume like smell and flowers were wrapped all around the door. We all stared in silence when Patton decided to knock on the door. It swung open instead and there, layed a person. They were wearing (The outfit above) and they had (h/c) hair. Their hair was (h/l) and was very nice, it fell right to their shoulders. Patton gasps at the person that layed there. We all stare in awe at the person. Logan seems very interested in them, so he takes a few steps closer to them. I still had that giddy feeling in me and so did the rest of them. Their eyes flutter open and the have to most lovely (e/c) eyes ever. They soon get up and are now sitting on their bed. I take a minute to look around their room. Their whole room was colored in pink and purple things. In the left corner, they had a purple bed with and light lilac pillows. The floor was a hot pink carpet. Next to their bed, they had a dark purple desk filled with pens and markers of different colors. There was a book on the desk filled with coloring pages. Behind her bed, there was a closet. It was filled with skirts and of pink, purple, lilac, light pink, dark pink, dark purple, and different shades of blue. To the right of their room, there was a little dresser that had socks in it. There was also a clipboard hanging from the bulletin they had hung up. There was a world map hanging from the right side that had the different places I have been to.

"Hello there!" They finally spoke up after five minutes of us staring in confusion. They got up and smiled at us. They were a lot smaller than the rest of us, but I didn't mind it.

"Salutations. My name is-" Logan started, but they cut him off.

"Logan! And that's Roman," They pointed at the prince like figure in the corner of the room.

"That's Patton, and this is Virgil!" They pointed at everyone in the room, correctly naming them.

"Why hey there kiddo!" Patton chirped. Which caused them to giggle.

"Hi there Patton!" They smiled.

"Just call me dad!" He told them. They nodded in agreement. Roman waltzed up to them and took their left hand.

"Why hello there~!" Roman said in his prince voice.

"Hello there prince Roman!" They said, matching the theme Roman had. Roman lowered his head and kissed their hand which caused their face to go red. The red tint slowly faded as they walked over to Virgil.

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