Chapter 1: Introduction

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(Romans P.O.V)

I have finally arisen from my beauty sleep! This sleep, was very wonderful. I had a very exciting dream where I saved a damsel in distress! I was extremely proud of myself! I wish that I would have slept in a little bit less late. I normally beat Patton down stairs, but today, I was fast asleep when he went downstairs. I could hear two voices chattering downstairs, so I suppose that it's Thomas. I slip on my prince suit and walk down stairs. It was, in fact, Patton and Thomas. Patton was making his DELICIOUS "Patton cakes." He called it that because he was the only one who actually bothered to cook.

"Good morning kiddo!" Patton chirped. Thomas looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"Greetings, Thomas and Patton!" I exclaim. Patton giggles and Thomas snorts. A couple of minutes, Mr. Bookworm comes downstairs.

"Good morning Loggie!" Patton gushes. Logan looks over at Patton and blushes.

"G-greetings, Patton." He says.

"Hey Logan!" Thomas says, still looking down at his phone.

"Thomas, you should not be looking down like that. Your neck could seriously be damaged. I did a study that whe-" I cut Mr. Calculator off by yelling.

"BOOORRRIIIINNNNGGGGGG!" Thomas laughed and Patton scolded me.

"Now kiddo. It isn't nice to cut of Logan like that." He said, while mixing his eggs together. I nodded in agreement. After around 30 minutes or so, Patton finished making breakfast and out the plates down at the table. We had a few laughs and told some jokes. Patton offered to clean up and so did I. Logan said he had a book to read and went to sit on the couch. After we finished cleaning up, Virgil came down.

"Morning kiddo!" Patton chimed.

"Good morning, Virgil." Logan said nonchalantly.

"Hello Virge!" Thomas greets him.

"Morning Virgil!" I say.

"Hey everybody..." Virgil says in his sleepy voice. Thomas was looking through his phone and scrolling through some random instagram page, Logan had his head in a book, Patton was watching cartoons, and Virgil had his head on the table. We were all mining our own business, when Thomas told us this.

"Hey guys, I was thinking..." He started. We all look over to him.

"Maybe, you know what, I want to find someone to love!" He announced. My face went from curious to downright ecstatic in the blink of an eye.

"MY THOMAS WANTS TO FIND THE ONE PERSON HE'S BEEN LOOKING FOR!" Patton screams. Causing Logan to cover his ears.

"FINALLY! THOMAS IS GOING TO FIND HIS DISNEY PRINCESS OR PRINCE!" I shout. Earning a glare from Virgil. (For this story, he will be bisexuall for all my readers!) He gets up from his table and walks over to Thomas.

"What if they don't like you, what if they make fun of you, what-" He starts but Patton cuts him off.

"C'mon Virgil, relax a bit!" Patton says.

"But, that's not what I, nevermind..." Virgil says. I walk over to Thomas and help him out. We make a Tinder account and set things up.

(Virgil's P.O.V)

"Maybe, you know what, I want to find someone to love!" Thomas announced. At that moment in time, my heart dropped. I don't think I can handle all of that information. A million things rush into my mind. All these things are about finding that one person to love. They could hate him!

"MY THOMAS WANTS TO FIND THE ONE PERSON HE'S BEEN LOOKING FOR!" Patton screams. Logan covers his ears, but I didn't bother. I was worried about the things that could go wrong.

"FINALLY! THOMAS IS GOING TO FIND HIS DISNEY PRINCESS OR PRINCE!" Princey yells. I shoot him a glare and decide to put my ten cents into this conversation.

"What if they don't like you, what if they make fun of you, what-" I start, after walking over to Thomas, but dad has to interrupt me.

"C'mon Virgil, relax a bit!" Patton says. I just mentally facepalmed myself. Look, don't get me wrong, I love dad, but sometimes, he can be a clueless moron.

"But, that's not what I, nevermind..." I says, losing words for that. I decide to stop talking and just leave it as that. Princey went to go help out Thomas and I went back into my room.

'Love, huh?' I thought. But then it hit me. Love, love could be a new part of Thomas's life right? Then that means, that he would get a new side, right? I jump out of my bed and dashed downstairs to his room. I slam the door open and scream.

"LOGAN?" I scream. He looks up from his book.

"Yes Virgil, what seems to be distressing you?" He asks me.

"If Thomas finds love, and it becomes a new part of his life, wouldn't that mean that he would get a new side?" I asks him.

(Logan's P.O.V)

"If Thomas finds love, and it becomes a new part of his life, wouldn't that mean that he would get a new side?" Virgil questions me. Wow, he thought of that way before that had even crossed my mind.

"Interesting theory, Virgil." I tell him. I get up from my bed, and walk over to my book self. my room was not the best, but it could hold all of my stuff. My bed was to the right of my door and to the left was my desk. It was filled with papers in a neat pile and there was a single pen on the table. I had a container that held the rest of my pens on my desk. I had a white board right above my bed that had some words scribbled on there. Next to my desk, there was my bookshelf. It was filled with books of every sort. To the right of my bookshelf, there was a calendar, with important dates on there. Like Thomas's aunt Patty's birthday. I grab the book about sides and flip through some pages until I land my finger on one page. Virgil looks over my left shoulder to read the page that I was pointing at.

"Blah blah blah, new sides, blah blah blah, THERE!" Virgil shouts. Pointing his index finger at a certain part of the page. My eyes move to that spot and scan the few paragraphs there.

"It states that 'New sides like love, hate, jealousy, and other ones could be created.' But Virgil, why do you care for a new side?" I question him. His face turns a deep shade of one of the primary colors.

"N-n-no reason..." He stutters. I can tell that he is keeping something to himself. But I choose to ignore it.

"There you go Virgil, are you satisfied with my answer that I could provide for you?" I ask him. He nodded and thanked me. He walks out of my room.

'New side, huh?' I think to myself, grabbing my book.

'Maybe, having a new side won't be that bad...' I think, turning back to my page that I started. 

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