TFP - Valentines Day Scenarios

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He would leave a sweet and simple letter with a poem or two with a heart-shaped chocolate box. He isn't all that into being very extravagant and overkill on things, so don't expect any giant stuffed bears or huge bouquets of flowers on Valentine's Day. He would be grateful if you were to get him something. Just be sure to do everything anywhere but public, because he knows that Miko won't let him live it down for the rest of his life. He has taken a liking to Earth candies through, so be sure to surprise him with chocolates and any other sweet you can get! Optimus would take you to a small lake with a picnic set up. When night falls, the two of you would stargaze as he explained Cybertron, the astronomy of his home planet, and if he feels close enough to you, might even open up about his past relationship with Megatron, formerly Megatronous.

Ultra Magnus
Don't ever expect much of anything from this mech. At best, you'd get a flower or two with a small box of chocolate. At worst you'd get a simple Valentines Day letter. He would be incredibly flustered if you were to get him something though. Magnus was never, and never will be, the mushy, all romantic type. He would most likely take you somewhere on a cliff to watch the sunset and share a few candies. If you're lucky, he might even build up the courage to confess his feeling to you.

He's a downright stickler for Valentines Day. Well, the end of it at least. Ratchet acts like the day is like any other day, and ignores all the nonsense the other children pull. Near the end of the day, when you're near tears because you had thought he had forgotten, he would give you a small box of the conversation heart candy and possibly a small bracelet. He would try and fail horribly to act chill and brush off any gifts that you get him. He has a secret love for Earth poetry, so expect to get a poem or two throughout the day from him. He would put in a sappy romance movie, such as Titanic or Twilight.

Bumblebee would be over the top for everything. He would try to get you the finest things he can for Valentines Day. Expect a LOT of red roses, love letters, chocolates, lovey-dovey stuff, and confessions.   He would bounce in happiness if you were to get him something for himself. He would beep and buzz to make sure you knew that he was grateful for your effort. His first tactic would most likely be to leave a romantic letter with a poem and a few chocolates on a table that says to meet him somewhere at a certain time. If all else fails, he will literally swoop you off your feet and take you to the destined location where he would confess his true feelings to you and spend the rest of the night hugging and watching stars.

Bulkhead is pretty iffy. He wouldn't know what to do, so he'd look up what most humans do, leading him to leave a love poem and a white rose(because he thinks red roses are just a little to right-out-of-the-book). He would be completely blown away should you get him anything of his own. He would take you to a beach where you would watch the sunset and he would talk about what life was like as a wrecker on Cybertron.

No questions asked, a flight on the Jackhammer would be in store for you. During the previous day, he would spend hours upon hours of detailing tiny chocolates that he made himself because he doesn't trust store bought goods to be good enough for you. He would not be afraid to show, unlike pretty much everyone else, how he felt about whatever you got him, no matter how big or how small. He would make a few questionable jokes here and there, but aside from that, the two of you would just hang around the Jackhammer the whole day while going sightseeing where ever you wanted to go. He absolutely adores flowers form Earth, so if you really want to wriggle your way into his spark, be sure to get him some 'Morning Glories' or a handful of 'Forget Me Not's.

He is a Jack-in-a-Box rigged to go off the very astrosecond you enter base. He would have only the finest of the fine, the best of the best for you. He would get you whatever you wanted, no matter how pricey it was (poor Fowler's bank account, dried up like a riverbed in the Gobi Desert). He would take you out to a stunning forest scene to eat dinner. From there on out, he would spoil you with jewelry, flowers, and kisses. He would outright admit his feelings for you, in hopes that you would do the same for him. He would be jumping for joy if you got him anything. Whatever it is that you got him is sure to be treasured forever. You would most likely be explaining to your parents why you came home so late the next day. You said "hanging with friends" when really, you were enjoying the night sky with Smokescreen. He loves animals to no end, so be sure to remember to take him to a petting zoo or something of the sort.

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