Chapter 5

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Jakes POV

I went downstairs, winter following me. I got her some food and I relaxed. Knowing everything that happened after the past few years we all need a break from everything. Michel came down and we talked while we waited for the rest of the family to come down. It was the day after the wedding and everyone was stressed out about everything. I heard a bang come from upstairs so I rushed up, being careful and I went to my brothers room and saw him in the bathroom. "Are you ok" i didn't get an answer, I went in and saw him on the floor. "J, are you ok" "i need to go to the hopsital" "why" "my stomach it really hurts. I can't move" "ok. Do you want me to get Michel" "no. Please help me" "ok. But i do need his help" "fine" i rushed to the living room and I triped over something but managed to keep balance. "Michel, I need your help" "why" "because jesse is in pain and he can't move. I'm taking him the the ER" "are you sure" "positive" "ok. The girls are going to stay here and I'll be up in a few seconds" then i heard a yell like someone was in pain. Me and Michel both looked at eachother and we rushed upstairs. I tried opening the door but I couldn't. I heard a baby crying. "Babe open the door" i didn't hear no response. I heard the front door open and Nick came toward us. "What's going on" "jesse, he's in there. And listen" we stayed quiet and again a baby crying. "Did he" "yeah. Apparently" "i didn't know males could get pregnant" "they can. We just can't open the door" he moved us and he knocked on the door. "J, it's nick, I need you the you open the door. We need to help you" then the door opened and I went in. Michel following shortly after. "Babe" "it's a girl" "call 9-1-1" "already on it" i heard nick say. "Being a doctor I need a lighter, scissors, tin foil, blankets and towels" Michel nodded and i stayed with my brother. He looked pale. There wasn't a lot of blood. Michel then came back and handed me the supplies. I took the lighter and I made sure the scissors were heated a little bit. I cut the cord and I got the tinfoil, wrapped the baby up in it to keep the baby warm. I handed Michel the baby and I grabbed the blanket and I wrapped it around my brother. I heard the door open and perimedics came in. "Carly" "what's going on" "my brother just had a baby" "are you sure" then Michel handed her the baby and she gave her to the other perimedic. "There's no way a guy could get pregnant" "well it's happened before" then i stepped out of the way and made sure the baby was ok. "What's her name" "Caroline" "ok. Make sure she stays warm. I'll come with you. Nick and Michel. I need you guys to stay out of the way. Ok" "ok" then i went with Carly.

Oceans pov (the other perimedic)

"Sir, can you tell me your name" "jesse" "how many months were you in" "i didn't know I was pregnant" "did you show any signs like cravings, mood swings, morning sickness" "no" "anything weight gain" "no" mainly people who doesn't know they are pregnant will usually grain a little bit of weight. But he seemed fit. "Who's the father" "i am" "what's your name" "Michel" "did you realize anything" "he was getting kind of clingy. We just got married yesterday and he seemed fine" "do you mind helping him up and outside" "do you want your pants on" "yes" i left them alone and then the door opened and I went in. I sat down in front of him and got a pulse oximeter on his finger and a blood pressure cuff on his arm. "Your pulse is stable and your blood pressure is a little low but once we get you into the ambulance, we can get it taken care of. Ok" "but here's the thing. I can't move" "i got this" then i backed up and he lifted up his husband and we went to the ambulance. I found the friend there and my partner. Still holding the baby. "Let's get this going" we went inside and I gave the baby to jesse. "She has your eyes" his brother sat with him. "Your third child. We are going to have you on pills so you can't get pregnant anymore" "i didn't even know this time" "still. I want you to be safe" i watched his vital signs and they are stable for now. We don't know how long though.

Jesse's pov

My brother held my hand as I looked at my baby girl. Michel handed me her and I kissed her head. She had blue eyes with brown hair. Then Michel got a phone call. "Who is it" "it's my dad" his face went pale. "Babe, are you ok" "he doesn't know about us and that we have children" "you have to tell him sometime" "i know. I will soon" then he answered the phone and the he handed me the phone. "My dad wants to talk to you" i grabbed the phone and i was confused.


Hello sir
Hey, how are you
I'm good. And you
I'm fine thank you. So my son tells me that he's dating you. Is this true.
Yes sir. We just got married yesterday. And we have 3 daughters.
Why didn't you guys tell me sooner
Sorry. We weren't sure if you would accept us being together.
As long as he's happy. I accept.
Thank you sir
Please call me Caleb
Yes Caleb.
Alright. Have a nice day
You to. Bye

I gave the phone back to Michel and we looked at eachother. "He accepted us being together" "good. And now we have your dad and my dad getting along" "we should invite him for dinner" "j, are you sure" my brother asked me. Nick was not here with us for you guys to know. "I'm sure" "well you'll have to take care of little Caroline" "i know. I'll be fine" "we have to put the honeymoon on hold for now. Until your safe" "i agree. You need rest" then the perimedic looked at us and shook her head. "You shouldn't do a lot of traveling after birth. In this case it will be at least 3 months before you can do anything. Understand" "yes ma'am" then we arrived at the hospital. Still holding my baby in my arms

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