last chapter. (13 years later)

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3rd person POV

It's been 13 years sence jesse as seen his daughter. He planned this day to Caroline for months. And today is that day. Michel was right beside his husband when he was at the front door of lily's house. Liz and Emma who was in their early 20s was behind them. Michel ringed the door bell and there she was. Caroline standing right in front of them. "Hey Caroline" "dad, papa" she hugged them and bursted into tears. "I missed you so much" "so did we. I couldn't wait to see you" then liz and Emma came up. "Caroline, these are your sisters. Liz and Emma" "i remember those names. It's nice to see you" "it's nice to see you to" then lily came up to them and letted them inside. They sat down at the kitchen table and they talked. "So tell me, what's been going on" "well i have my first boyfriend" "what's his name" "dad" "come on. We haven't seen eachother in 13 years. I want to know what my little daughter is doing with her life" "his name is Alex. He is super nice and we've been dating for 3 months now" "do you have any pictures" "yeah" then she pulled out her phone and she swiped by a video of her on stage. "Go back" "what do you mean" "there was a video with you on stage. Can we see it" "sure" then she showed them the video and they were impressed. "You got your artist side from your dad" "i know how to play the piano" "and I know how to play the guitar" they talked for a long time. It was nice to see them as a family and not a long distance family.


Hey guys this is a short chapter but I couldn't write anymore because my hand was numb. It's not a good feeling. But this is the last of the series. I hope you like them and I'll be writing more books about them. Love you all

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