Just another day

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Kirishima's prov-
I wake up to the irritating sound of bickering threw the walls. I pick up my phone to check the time. The bright screen illuminates my face,and the found flash of light makes my eyes squint. Seeing the time wich reads 3am I flip myself on my back setting my phone beside my now spiralled out body. I look at the ceiling as the for a couple of minutes seeing the vibrant flash of light that cast shadows on the ceiling/walls because of cars going by. My mind starts to fo blank and the yelling in the background starts to fade. As I close my eyes and fall slowly to sleep. I wake up to the loud bickering of my alarm clock and jumped out my bed. I grab my phone wich was coverd by my thin red cover and stop the alarm.
Realizing im going to be late if I dont hury. I quickly skimmer to my dresser and scan the folded clothes looking for my school outfit.

(Hell that it for now im about to pass out)

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