2 encounter

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The same day

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The same day

Jungkook and his fake girlfriend walk up to Walmart, the girl clung to him like Leech

Jungkook picks all the material he needs for his kitchen , clinging by one girls that he didn't even remember the names

"Mia, fucking let me breathe for second " Jungkook shrug the girls off from him like a dirt

"MY name is Julia" The girls pout

"Whatever, help me something useful would you ,go pick a jams from next section go"

The girls pout and strom away

Jungkook walk up to counter to scan the food

"Here, HEY YOU ARE BOY FROM THE TAXI AREN'T YOU  " Jungkook said giving his card to the boy with surprised face

"You have good memory sir,or you can't forget my handsome  face " Taehyung smirk at him

Jungkook again lost his shit even his smirk is attractive, the waistcoat boy wearing  hug the boy slim waist perfectly, the fufly hair and the flawless perfectly sculpture face , one word Ethereal

"So are you gonna drool here forever or take your thing sir"

Jungkook broke his fantasy and smirk " kinky huh I mean we're same age ,knows each other names ,you keep calling me sir , you can call me something later "

"Oh really do I know you,  your names vanished in the blink of my eye" Taehyung hands his thing and card

"Ouch hurt ," Jungkook grab his heart with fake hurt face and smile at each other

"Move out of the way,this is not the place to flirt fucker " woman with mid 40 shout at Jungkook and grab her thing and placed to counter to scan

"Bitch did you know who I'm " Jungkook  glare at the woman who look like Chinese with colourfull perm in his hair .
Taehyung managed not to laugh and started scanning the food of the woman

"Get the fuck out my face Loser " The woman shout at him

Jungkook just strom out of the their forgetting his girlfriend who is debating herself which is more tasty in those jams

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