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💋June -romantic boy

A soft dramatic romantic song play with a candle light lit around ,the fresh rose smell ,the scented candles, the melodies slowly seem float in the air with the music keys🎵 ,

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A soft dramatic romantic song play with a candle light lit around ,the fresh rose smell ,the scented candles, the melodies slowly seem float in the air with the music keys🎵 ,

Taehyung follow the melodies music the candle lit everywhere ,the scented sweet smell suffocated ,satisfying, seem like he can grab the smell and can keep in the pocket

When he first enter the room their is a red dress in a mannequin, and a note there it's says


      🌻MY Sunflower it's your gift I hope it fit you perfectly 🌻

Taehyung touch the soft fabric of the dress ,he have no choice but to wear it , he strip himself and slowly dress the red dress carefully, at the end of the dress it have many sunflower decorated and slit down to his thigh showing his tan thigh , he jip up the jipper behind his back ,his colorbone is shown his tan skin shinning, the dress Hug his small waist perfectly showing the curve , his long small tan arms hugs himself from the cold air hitting his skin ,suddenly a light lit way out of the room he came out of the room and again the melodies music begun playing this time ,it's just the singer singing to his Lover that he can do anything for his lover ,

Taehyung take a deep breath and follow that leads to a big balcony where a many candles lit and a various flower blooming and a table in the middle and a smell like sweetbitterness of the wine , he walk in further too see his captor walk out with a luxurious dress neatly, his long messy fire red hair swipe up ,his waistcoat Hug his muscle frame flexing when he move ,his sharp Jawline and a gorgeous smile adorn his handsome face it's will be a hot side if he is not in a captor

"MY sunflower" the man called out taking his hands and kissing his boney delicate knuckle "love to see you shine like a diamond you're" the man smile

"May I" the man said and bring him to table and let him sit down

"You look so unreal now, I can't take my eye off you" June said breathing softly

"I have been dreaming for you,my sunflower ,at last we met,Allow me introduce myself, My names is June,and I've been waiting for these moment so much " He grab Taehyung hands

"Can I have this dance "

They walk up the balcony and the soft melodies play ,June grab his waist and one other in his hands intertwined, they started swaying their body under the moonlight showering them ,it's just a mesmerised sight ,such a perfectly fitted beautiful couple even the Greeks gods ashamed of it, the love in the air is so strong ,seem like Nature is watching ,the moon shone brighter ,the night wind blew slow and warm , they cannot take off eye from each other ,

All Taehyung think is he also slowing losing his mind, seem like he is meeting different person but same face and he cannot take off his eye from the man who hold him delicately,  the man have blue mesmerised eye and red hair swipe up neatly styling ,his intense sparkling stare ,those button nose ,his loft looking luscious lips,those Jawline, he want to trace it ,but hold himself

June smile softly looking  awestruck lovesick ,the beauty he is holding ,he want to hold like this forever ,those brown doe eye with long eyelash that kiss the cheeks when he close his eye ,sharp pointed nose with a beauty mark , those red luscious lips so kissable, every angle he is perfect ,damm those colorbone luring him in to mark it, and he don't want to take off his hands from the waist ,so perfect ,he don't even have to try ,it was love at first sight

June been dreaming to have a lover, he fall in love easily and attach very easily that why other never let him out ,he think his light is slowly losing fading away , his red hair was more brighter than this before it became fading and slowly losing light and now he know Jungkook is in danger as other unknown trait is adding up who he thinks is quite unhuman but if he can stop this before that character born but it's out of hands  .

"I have fallen for you at first sight,you don't know how much effect you've on me ,my other never let me out of light ,but today I won and I'm not wasting this opportunities, " He grab Tae hands near to his heart and keep it there

"Feels my hearts, it beat only for you ,if you wouldn't love me back I'm afraid I'm gonna gone forever cause my other said I'm useless and there is no room for me ,they are monster they treat me badly ,I'm a lovesick boy ,I'm desperate for love ,if you hate some part of me it's okay ,but all I need is little love from you now ,kill me or heal me it's up to you,"

"I don't quite get it, i never experience this before but i try ,I will try for you Jun , even if we're just stranger ,even your other keep me captive , I'll try to help you ,and I know I've no choice,even If it affected my life ,even if you lock me down ,just know I'm trying ,and don't disappear these side from you Jun ,please fight for me Jun don't let the other take it away , I'm not making you promised but I can be your light " Taehyung finish

"Love me when I'm gone" Jun said leaning down their breath fanning each other face

They close the gap kissing each other passionately, pouring all the emotion ,Jun grab the boy waist and move more closer ,they taste so addictive, so addictive then drug Taehyung have been taking whole his life , he pull the boys by the nape

"You know if I can go out in light or if I'm Jungkook then I'll woo you with flower , sweets,sweet cheesy letters in your doorsteps every day"

"It's know right it will be much better" Taehyung smile caressing the man face

They look into each other and capture each other lips again ,Jun holds the boy up tapping his thigh too jump up ,and Taehyung do that jumping up warping his leg in the man waist , Jun walk up still kissing the boy he softly place the boys in the red silk mattress of the bed and start kissing his jaws ,tae grab his hair and tug it from immense pleasure he is receiving,

Jun let the boy sit in his laps and slowly jip down the jipper back kissing the boy, he trace the boys bare back and started kissing , he admire the bare chest so beautiful so sinfull , no mark, no flawless unlike him ,when Taehyung look him up in doe puppy eye shyly covering his bare chest ,Jun smile in lovestruck

"You're so beautiful"

Taehyung tug his shirt to take it out , and he let the boys do whatever he wants ,Taehyung gasps when he see all the marks deep cut marks ,those marks adorn in his rips chest and abbs Taehyung find it beautiful he lean down kiss down giving kitten licks all over there pecking his abbs, Jun thrown his heads back in pleasure and graon sexxily

Both boys look each other with lust -love- wants -admiration a perfect electric love 


"I want to make love to you , but I'm telling you I'm not taking you for granted ,but promise me you'll never leave me " Jun said hugging him tightly

"I promise you" Taehyung breath out snuggling closer closing their eye

Taehyung is going to hunt down this man past ,present and save the future ,he want to see everything ,cause if he is interest in something he never back out ,and now from now Taehyung blink waking up ,from all these years he wasted he never find someone this mysterious, and he want to solve this mystery to save the blooming in these hearts

Taehyung is going to hunt down this man past ,present and save the future ,he want to see everything ,cause if he is interest in something he never back out ,and now from now Taehyung blink waking up ,from all these years he wasted he never find s...

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