If he dressed up for halloween, what would his costume be?

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I don't know why I wanted to do Halloween ones, but I did. Here goes

Thomas: Spider-Man. He spent the night attempting to do cartwheels and jumping on Gally's shoulders.

Newt: Indiana Jones. He gets to wear a cool hat and use a whip

Minho: Elvis Presley. The hair and the confidence, baby

Gally: Hulk. Probably don't need to explain this one.

Frypan: he just got one of those inflatable morphsuits and danced around all night. And he chest bumped everyone and sent them flying.

Winston: Dracula. He was a slicer and worked in the bloodhouse, it seemed appropriate

Aris: He was a zombie. He just wanted to try doing the makeup for it

Chuck: One of those inflatable arm thingy guys. The ones outside of car washes and stuff. He just stood there and waved his arms around wearing a shirt with really long sleeves

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