Chapter 6

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The dullness was unending, the color dripped out of the sky and off the leaves of every tree branch, falling to the ground.

Falling to the ground and being sucked up into the soil.

Falling and sinking deeper into the ground.

Sinking deeper into the depths of the earth.

Depths so deep no human can reach the dews of color that soaked into the bottomless earth, never to be seen again.

The gray skies were not lit up by the sun, for the sun's color and brightness had fallen to the depths of the earth with the dewdrops of color from the feathers of every bird and the vibrant and soft pinks of flower petals.

I saw a girl's gray sneaker step forward into a colorless puddle, the ripples of achromatic colors.

Her gray sneakers walked forward through the silent rain of achromaticity, nothing protecting her small yet confident frame from the bleakness of her world.

I watch as a ghost of an empty smile graces her lips as I decide Iris would be her name. A rainbow of colors in a colorless world. 

Her colorless body walks forward in the silent rain of achromaticity.

For a second as she walks forward past the puddle, I see a splotch of red splatter the front left side of her drenched shirt.

A red splotch in the shape of a heart on her sleeve as I see the white gleam of hope in her iris.

With her red heart on her sleeve, she walks forward into the world stolen of color, with the hope of a new vibrant world to be left in her path.

The silent rain continues to fall, draining almost every color and hope into the depths of the earth.

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