◇Chapter Five: Sasuke's Feelings

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I slid (Y/N) a cup of tea and sat at the table across from her.

She sipped on it and looked at me, "So, Ai was good?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, she was just really worried about you. And, she needed company." I said.

She sighs, relieved, and says, "That's good... When she had to stay with Hinata and her cousins, she would just be sitting there, not talking at all, and barely eating. The first time she ate, was when she stayed in the hospital with me."

"Really?" I asked.

She nods, "She worries about me so much, it makes me worry about her... I think she does need another parent in the house to take care of her and that she's comfortable with."

"She seems comfortable with me," I told her.

"That's why I asked you to watch her Sasuke... She's been comfortable with you since she's learned you were an Uchiha and saw your Sharingan. She really likes you. More than I would like to admit... I would prefer she didn't. But, she does." She tells me and smiles as she sips her tea.

I couldn't tell if the last part was a joke, that she'd prefer Ai didn't like me. But, I feel like she was serious about it, but at the same time not so serious.

(Y/N) is always confusing me.

"But... Sasuke..." She spoke, softly.

I looked at her, that's really the first time in a long time since she said my name that softly.


"...I really do appreciate you for watching Ai, so thank you. You didn't have to."

I kept my mouth shut, but the words, "I did have to" echoed in my mind. Because I really did have to watch her.

"So, if there's anything you want or need, just say so." She said.

I nodded, "Alright."

I stood in front of the door, with (Y/N) standing next to me, with Ai standing behind her.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go and see Naruto," I said.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't come back too soon." She said.

"But, come back for dinner!" Ai said, with a happy smile.

(Y/N) sighs and nods, "Yeah... Come back for dinner, you're cooking."

"I'm cooking dinner tonight?" I asked.

Ai nods, "Yup! Mommy said that she tasted your cooking before, and it was horrible! But, I want to try it, to see if she's right or not!"

"I'm pretty sure, I'm right," (Y/N) laughed.

I kneeled down and smiled at Ai. "I'll come back extra early, and start preparing, so I can prove your mother wrong. I have been brushing up on my skills a bit since I've left. So, she'll be amazed at what I can do."

"Uh-huh." (Y/N) said with a small smile, "Well, I'll be waiting. But, don't come back too early, the other moms plus Sakura are coming over, with their kids, so..."

I nodded and stood up, "Right, I'll be on my way then."

"Bye duckbutt!" Ai waved.

I waved back, "Bye." I said, before walking out of the house and walking away to the Hokage's building.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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