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??? POV
Stealing the Green Ninja Power Stars was easy. That Mick guy was fixing a robot, think his name was Redbot, so I just went into the place and took the power star. Easy. But, those Power Rangers are going down. For everything they did to me! I will be the one to beat them! Not some random monster that the Rangers destroy in a day. Madam Odious has been failing time after when she trusted other people to do her dirty work. But not me, Lover may have failed but I will not. For I am...

What you thought I was going to tell you who I am? I'll never do that. Hope to see you in your worse nightmares.

"I will get those Power Ranger! Even if it kills me!"

So... I'm doing it again. I also did this thing were I wrote ALL of the chapters for the book beforehand and all I need to do is publish them which makes it much easier on me. I'll publish chapter 1 later today but just to give you guys a warm up.

BTW there are 5-6 chapters and I'll post one everyday. I'm only posting two because this is a little more than 200 words.

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