Chapter 5

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Elena POV

We are all in the base waiting for any news on Brody after Mick finishes the tests.
"He will be ok," Mick said. Thank goodness.
"This is all my fault," I said, leaning on the wall.
"No it isn't," Ally said. "It could have happened to anyone of us."
"But Ava isn't after any of you," I defended. "She's after me!"
"Why is Ava after you?" Calvin asked.
"Hayley, remember how in middle school I went to that boarding school?" I asked, looking at my sister.
"Yeah, what about it?" Hayley asked.
"When I was there, I met Ava, we didn't really know each besides the fact that she and I lived in the same building. Until," I trailed.
"Until what?" Sarah questioned.
"Remember when the Armada attacked a couple of year ago?" I asked.
"Yeah, but didn't the Megaforce rangers destroy them?" Levi asked.  
"Yeah, they did. But, Ava's family was in Harwood county that day. She trusted that the Power Ranger would beat them and that her family would come and pick her up, but, that never happened," I explained. "She became so distance from everyone and one day I bumped into her and we became friends. She started to trust me but I broke that trust when I let a secret out and before I could apologize and make things right."
"You came back without any way to contact her," Hayley finished my thought. 
"But in that case, wouldn't she be after the Megaforce rangers?" Ally asked.
"The Megaforce rangers retired, going after them would be useless. And it doesn't even matter, she trusted me and I broke that trust, now this is my karma," I said looking at the prism. I pulled out my Power Star held it up to the prism. Why did the star and the prism chose me?
"Elena, I still don't think that this is your fault," Mick began. "Are you partially to blame? Probably."
"But what matters is that we beat Ava and Lover, together," Preston said.
"You guys can beat Lover. I need to beat Ava. Take care of Brody for me," I said, walking out of the base.
I walked aimlessly around town, I was being really stubborn, wasn't I? But this is my burden to bear, it doesn't involve anyone else. I already got Brody injured, I don't need anyone else injured or worse.
"You're Elena, aren't you?" I heard behind me. I looked to see a man who looked to be in his late thirty's, early forty's or so.
"Do I know you?" I asked the man.
"Not really, I'm Dane Romero, Brody's dad," he introduced himself. 
"Oh," I extended my hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Elena Foster. Can I ask how you recognized me?"
"Brody talks a lot about you, he's shown me a few photos of you," he explained as I blushed. Brody talks about me?
"Oh, can I help you with anything?" I asked.
"Have you seen Brody or Levi? They haven't been answering my calls or texts," Dane said
"Um, their in class and left their phones in their lockers," I lied. I don't know if Dane knows anything about Brody being a Power Ranger and I don't want to risk his dad finding out via his friend. 
"Okay, well if you need anything let me know," he began walking away.
"Wait!" I called out. Dane turned to me. "Um, I have this friend, that I hurt. Do you know what to do?"
"Try apologizing, and talking  it out. That worked for me," Dane said. 
"Apologize?" I repeated. "Is that an option?"
"Of course it is," Dane said. 
"Thank you, Mr. Romero!" I said. I started running to try to find Ava. 
"Tell Brody to call me!" Dane shouted out.

I kept running until I spotted a Basherbot out of the corner of my eye. I hid behind a bush and saw Lover sitting on top of a basherbot.
"Hurry up!" Lover commanded. "I want this trap done as soon as the Rangers are here! And don't let that pathetic green one know! She needs to be in the trap"
Is Lover plotting to betray Ava? And what is this trap? I was about to open my Ninja Comm when I decided not to. Lover has a plan to betray Ava and if I let it happen, it'll make Ava impossible to talk to.
"Not so fast!" I shouted, showing myself.
"Why if it isn't the Black Ranger?" Lover said, standing up from her seat. "Did the other ranger leave you after what happened to the red ranger?"
"As if," I said, morphing. 
Lover pulled out a sword and charged at me.

Ava's POV
I was walking around town. How could I have done that? Why did I do that? I didn't want to hurt Brody, I just wanted to beat Elena. I looked at my hands, they were shaking. Why? I hurt a ranger! Shouldn't that be a good thing? They deserve it! They couldn't do what they needed to do! Why am I feeling regret! I should be happy! I looked up to see Elena, in her morphed state, fight Lover.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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