Chapter 3

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Elena POV

"Where are I?" I asked as I looked around.

"You're in Madame Odius' ship," I heard the green ranger say.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Odius thinks your good. Trained at the Wind Ninja Academy. How's that working out for you?" the green ranger asked.

"Great, especially after you trashed the place," I snapped.

"Clever comeback." she stated

"More clever then you ever were." I sai proud of what I had jut said

"Don't get cocky. Madame Odius thinks your good but I will not hesitate to throw you down below." the green ranger spoke.

"Wasn't planing in you to be hesitate," I said sassily.

"You idiot! I will end you and your friends!" the green ranger yelled.

"Go ahead! But when they find out about who you are. You won't have a shoulder," I said as she looked even madder then before.

"My name Ava Maria Zuzuki and I will not be thrown under a bus by you of all people!" Ava also known as the green ranger yelled with pure, raw, and in a way, sad anger in her voice.

"Why are you doin this?" I yelled in anger.

"I helped you to get higher but you left me in the dumps! I showed you compassion but you showed me hatred. I had a fire in me that said you were a good person but now, now that fire is out," Ava started as she looked directly into my eyes.
"Odious gave me a chance to work with her in ruling the universe in favor that I got rid of you Power Rangers. I didn't hesitate for a second to take her offer. The Wind Power Rangers showed me that I truly hated all power rangers. And now by my hand, you will be destroyed," Ava continued.

"You're naïve to believe everything that she has told you," I said looking at Ava.

"I'd rather have a misunderstanding of something rather than be lied to!" Ava yelled.

"Shut up! You're only speaking nonsense!" I yelled at her as I looked into her eyes.

"You are speaking nonsense!" Ava yelled.

"I'm speaking the truth and I will do everything in my power to show you that!" I yelled. I wasn't mad at her because in a way, she was right. She helped me get higher but I left down on the ground. If I should be mad at anyone it should be myself. I let this all happen but if I said two words to Ava, we wouldn't be here.

"Basherbots, prepare her for the ceremony," Ava said calmly looking at the ground.

"Ceremony?" I asked confused.

"The ceremony in which you become one with the earth," Ava said as she directed Basherbots.

"Ava..." I began but Ava cut me off.

"Don't worry you friends will be there. So that their power stars will be destroyed," Ava said as she looked down at the ground. Ava, why did I let this happen to you?

Sarah POV

Elena was gone and we couldn't do anything other than look for her.

"We need to find Elena, who knows what will happen if we don't," Hayley said.

"I think we should find out who the green ranger is first," Levi said.

"I agree with Levi," I stated as I looked at him.

"I agree with Hayley. If we don't find Elena, Odious could get a power star," Brody said as he looked at us.

"I think we should find out who the green ranger is and from there we find Elena," Calvin said.

"But anyone could be the green ranger, it'll take a while to figure out who. We should find Elena and her power star because even if it is a inorganic power star, it's still a power star," Preston said before we could move on we saw a monitor taken over in the base.

"Dear Ninja Steel Power Rangers, if you want to see your friend again come to the abandoned rock factory. Today 3:00 sharp!" The green ranger said before the screen went back to normal.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 2:45. We only have 15 minutes. We should head to the rock factory," Brody said as him, Preston, and Hayley were about to leave but Levi said something.

"We should find out who te green ranger is!" Levi yelled as he looked at the trio of who were about to leave.

"What?" Hayly asked confused.

"If we find who the green ranger is we can save Elena and defeat the green ranger!" Levi yelled.

"We only have fifteen minutes!" Preston protested.

"Then we should make if what little time we have!" I yelled.

"It took us more than a day to figure out that Levi was the gold ranger, it took us a few hours to figure out that Elena was the black ranger. But there we had leads, ideas, and events that told us who they could be but here, it can be any female in Summer Cove!" Hayley yelled.

"Fine! Whatever! You guys go and try to save Elena without any plans and we'll try to save be figuring out who the green ranger is," Calvin yelled as Hayley looked at him with disgust in her eyes. She, Preston, and Brody left leaving only Levi, Calvin, Redbot, Mick, and I in the base.

"You should with them," we all heard someone say. We turned around and saw Ally there.

"How did you get into here?" I asked getting into a fighting position.

"It doesn't matter! You need to go with them!" Ally yelled in horror.

"Why should we?" Levi asked.

"Because it could mean life or death to everyone on earth," Ally said. Elena could be the difference between life and death for the planet?

"And if we don't go?" Calvin asked confused about what Ally just said.

"Hayley, Brody, Preston, Elena, Ava. They will all die if you guys don't go and help them!" Ally yelled.

"Ava? What does Ava have to do with this?" Mick asked.

"Unless..." I began before putting two and two together. Ava was the green ranger.

"How would they die?" Calvin asked Ally.

"You see," Ally began.

✔Power Rangers Ninja Steel: Hayley's Twin Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang