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I was rewatching the never ever ma and that part where bamba had the gas mask on gave me this idea.

Soulmate Au!(sneak peak)

"Without you I will suffer and eventually die."

Seoul,South Korea

7:35 P.M.

I stared at my soul sign with sadness in my eyes. My soul sign is a ice cube and the mark is on my right arm. I have approximately ten years to find my soulmate or else I will die. This happens to everybody that comes to this world. When you're born you have 30 years to find your soulmate who has the same sign as you and if you don't you will disappear as if you never existed.

In two days I have to work for a man by the name of Kunpimook Bhuwakul. He is known for being really good looking and very generous.He is also most famous for making the most beautiful artworks that are on our walls in the art museum.But the thing is I never met him and he lives in the same town as me. I decided to go to the art museum since it was going to close in twenty five minutes. I pulled a sweater over my body and put my black heels on to match my outfit.I put my black hat on my head and headed out of my apartment.

                                                            Five minutes later

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Five minutes later

I arrived at the museum and walked inside to hear the sound of spray painting.Confused by the noise, I followed it to see a man who looked taller than me spray painting on a white canvas in the museum.

"Excuse me?"I said before meeting eyes with the man. He had white hair that covered one of his eyes.His pale complexion matched his outfit but he had something unique about him.He wore a gas mask that had white smoke coming out of it every time he took a breath.

He wore a gas mask that had white smoke coming out of it every time he took a breath

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Who are you?"I asked before hearing a chuckle. "You don't know who I am?" I was surprised by how soft his voice was but shook my head in response.

"My name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul." My eyes widen at his name but I couldn't say anything.

"Your the one and only Kunpimook?" He nodded his head and winked at me. "I start working at your art studio in two days." He raised his eyebrow at me and walked toward me.

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